bike lane you say?

did they catch the chick or what?

I’m with you what’s wrong with “gigantic fanta panted sheila”

Tally! Heal fast mate, and come down to DISC to say hi soon, Alf has prizemoney waiting for you.

AC’s hurt like a bitch. I completely seperated mine a few years back and spent 4 weeks in a sling on painkillers. Hope it heals well.

The shoulder is not too bad today, but my face has swelled up pretty bad.
They haven’t caught the driver. The cop on the scene said he would get the media involved and he was pretty pissed off she left the scene, but not much hope i think.

Prizemoney you say Blakey. That’s just what i need. See you soon

shit tally, hope you’re ok.

Heal up quick tally! :slight_smile:

Tally take care of that shoulder mate - be religious about your physio. You don’t want to end up needing a reco on it ( I speak from knowledge about that!)

And the face - hey, chicks dig scars :smiley:

I hosted a function at work yesterday and sat with a woman from the Melbourne City Council who has some kind of transport portfolio - she’s a councillor and from the greens - in her role all the complaints that come through from cyclists eg re the campaign to fine people for riding through city gardens land on her desk.
Anyway I put in a strong plug for the council to do a shitload more to improve bikelanes - particularly Collins Street and included the simple suggestion of painting all of them green like they have in New York - small thing to do but it will make a difference - anyway the council has plans to get to all of them across the city to do just that apparently. Someone also made the observation that part of the problem is that street parking for cars is just too easy in the CBD - unlike say London.

Sorry to hear about your prang Tally - heal up well.


Do fixed gear riders really benefit all that much from bike lanes? They’re great for support, ie. to ride in when you’re a little fatigued or had too many pints, but the majority of the time in the CBD fixed riders are as quick, if not quicker than cars.
I ride in Wellington without any bicycle lanes and get along just fine. I understand that it doesn’t have the sheer density of traffic as Melbourne, but nontheless, I reckon bicycle lanes only benefit the ‘easy-riding’ commuter within the CBD. I’m sure that couriers wouldn’t use bicycle lanes.

Fair point. I find cbd traffic quite slow so there is less of a need for bike lanes. Where they are needed are the feeder roads into the city, especially those with peak hour clearways. Some roads are just too dangerous to ride in peak hour and there are roads that are just too dangerous period.

I don’t understand why Johnson doesn’t have one, I know there is a bus lane, but the ammount of times I have been merged into is phenominal!

Ive mentioned on another post this point, so sorry for repeating myself.

I think bicycle lanes are dangerous. They arent understood by drivers and in adelaide at least are behind parked cars or along side with hardly any space between the parked car and traffic which pretty much sets you up for emergency or worse r.i.p

Too many assumptions from cyclists and cars alike! Get rid of them, so cars dont think you belong in them and take up the lane! enough said.

Pointless for some, maybe. But a large sector of the cycling community feels safe in bike lanes. Many current cyclists would not ride without bike lanes, and many cyclists-to-be would never even consider riding a bike in the city if they didn’t have the security of a bike lane when starting out. Moreover, the legitimacy of bikes as a form of transport would be reduced greatly in many driver’s minds if bike lanes were not a visible part of the road.

Some bike lanes may be dangerous or pointless, sure. But I would say a majority are safe, excellent and very much needed.

There is some feral ginger bearded bogan rides one along the linear path heading away from the plaza.I strike him on 3 out of five days going home.Worse than the din is the trail of fumes left behind on a track that I ride to avoid smelly, noisy vehicles.

A bike lane up johnson would be nice, but where i’d really like one is along dandenong road, instead of the stupid fucking service road “bike routes” that send you into slip roads. I reckon our own lane could possibly add a bit of safety - or at least heighten the awareness of cyclists to bogan drivers.

you are quite right indeed, dandenong road is a scary mother fucker in a car at peak hour! let alone on a bike. I actually didn’t move into a sweet house because I’d need to ride dandenong rd every day, I think I could do it, but my girl is unaware at the best of times so I would become a worried mother evertime she rode anyware :stuck_out_tongue:

I’d have to say that I agree with most of what’s been said about bike lanes not being a real advantage. Fortunately for me, I have a big fat bus lane (which at 6am is almost empty of cars AND buses) and I have a cycle path which is also relatively bare.
I guess what I’d really like is to have all cars made of foam so I can continue riding like a madman being chased by death everywhere, with no consequence. It’s really the only means I have to get all the rage out, ya know. Alas, reality hurts.