Bike Show

Expect a full report from the fixed correspondent real soon… but until then…

The bikeshow was a fun day out. Got a moment with Mr. Merckx, saw some scary roller action, and found my dream bike… the Baum Espresso track bike mmm.

Was great to see some new bits and pieces, although it seems like there was a lot missing.

Did anyone sneak in with the exhibitors on Friday? Any insider’s goss on the show?

Please expand on “Got a moment with Mr. Merckx”…you might as well say “had an audience with God”

I guess that’s me.

All in all a disappointing show. I stopped taking photos after a while. Major brands like Specialized, Avanti, Raceline, Bianchi, Trek/Lemond and distributors like Dirtworks were all missing. Kona, which in my opinion is the best alternative bicycle mainstream manufacturer only showcased afew XC bikes.

I’ll try to get some photos up on my flickr page when I get the time.


I thought it was great. Some stuff was missing, but there was other things I found that I never knew existed before.

So who’s in for the 10 853s?

Word I got from a friend was that he had seen better displays at the weekend markets and that he felt it was a disgrace.
Basically all low end and not worth his time.

I might be interested. How about you John?

You guys are making me feel better about not making it there yesterday.

Whats with these

10 853’s???

And the problem being?

Pete was chatting up some frame importer, who mentioned he could do a discount for orders of 10+ bikes of the same tube-set. So, after looking around for a 0 rake fork and finding nothing I got thinking that I could get my frame replicated in 853 with a 0 rake fork. Can’t recall prices, hopefully Pete or someone who was listening more than I was can chime in with details?

$350 apiece.

But the guy wasn’t sure on the price.

If people are interested … I guess I can send an email up to him and see what’s what.


And the problem being?[/quote]

I wanted to see some Salsa and Surly frames and get an idea on pricing for next year.


It all happened so fast - but i think he touched my arm. There’s a stain on my top in the shape of an autograph - i think i’ll get it embroidered over :wink: Not much conversation - in fact, no words from the great man at all :confused:

He mentioned a discount (further to the 350 i assumed) for a group of ten, or a discount on the stainless model for test reports, but “you have to be fast”(?!?). The company is Rikulau, I was not keen on the branding/logos/grafix tho - But I suppose there’s no use discounting frames for a bunch of eccentrics unless his name gets out there somehow.

His site:

Ok, pics are up.


Thanks for the photos Des, they’re great. Carbon Pinarello and the Zipp track hubs for me thanks. IMO (to quote the forum kiddies) From the bike shows that I have been too, I have found that they SUCK! Just boring-ass shit, that, hey! looks like a fuck’n bike, just like it did the year before with different colours. I think to enter these trade shows that you must be blowing at least .05 to enter and then drop a healthy ammount of LSD if want to ask questions of the products. Now that would be fun!!!

Yep, thanks very much for the photos, they’re indeed great.

This caught my eye, by virtue of its similarity to something else I’ve seen… Alta bike, anyone?

Oh man! :shock: , the fuck’n quads on those people are not normal, makes ya feel a bit ill, yet strangely attracted.

Oh man! :shock: , the fuck’n quads on those people are not normal, makes ya feel a bit ill, yet strangely attracted.[/quote]

True. Hmmm, maybe I’ll start taking a good dose of Photoshop as part of my strength training regime… I certainly reckon it would have fewer long-term effects on one’s health than 'roids.

Just added some more photos.

The latest group of pics is of the Azzurri Track bike. Apologies for the blurry images.

$2600 gets you:

Fast looking alloy frame
Easton carbon track bar
Carbon post
Carbon FSA cranks
Shifterbike hubs (Dimension hubs) laced to carbon rims

This was my fav bike of the show mainly bec of it’s bang for buck. I really want to put some riser bars on this thing and ride it on the street … but that’s just the freak in me.



DO IT!! And with a 59" gear too :slight_smile: