Biscuit recipe...

I love a cup of tea and a biscuit, but recently it seems that buying a packet of biscuits is getting more and more pricey (especially when you tend to go a whole backet on one cup).

Figured I’d throw down the gauntlet and see if anyone out there has a really cheap and really easy biscuit recipe, I’m preferably looking for something where the ingredients can be brought in bulk and huge batches can be made in one go.

take it away…

nothing useful here, but maybe try a smaller cup?

I’d suggest cutting down on your biscuit consumption. There are some pretty damn cheap biccies out there…

My grandmas Anzac biscuit recipe is amazing, but she wont tell no one.

I have loads. Any favourite biscuits? My favourite dunker is the classic italian biscotti.

Damn now I feel like biscuits thanks a lot…

I made this. It was pretty good. Just don’t over cook them because they get too crunchy.

Anzac Biscuits recipe - Best Recipes

i just eat all the biscuits in the office when im there. My excuse is that im out in the field more than the office, so my share is fair ha

  • it satisfies my biscuit cravings for when im at home.

There’s not much worse than cheap, crap, store bought biscuits. DIY recipes are easy to find. Home made Florentines are the current fave.

Best cookies in the world: Chuck Norris cookies | Help! There’s a WEIRDO at my table!

I was looking mainly for anzac or cookies, I’ll probably give those chuck norris ones a go,
they had these rank custard creams going out for 25 cents a packet at the local Drakes, bad taste but good price.

I can’t believe how much hob nobs are over here!

It’s not cheap but I seriously want to try this - INCEPTION COOKIE!!!

Cookie inception

Yeah it’s bloody outrageous. Same for Curlywurlys.