BLACK SHEEP Cycling Apparel

Save me a set of L/Xl please - will pay thursday (payday)

no worries m8, i already had a couple set aside for you and brad.

these pics are of the SM/Med

if you are 44 1/2 above go L/XL,

only 10 of these left

6 x L/XL people,

Be quick, as a re-run (if i dont go broke) will be way after x-mas.

Phew, that was lucky. I’m a 45.


Sold out of L/XL


TC, should have listened to the experts and got more large sizes.

Sorry for the endless plugging here,

 Kit Pre-Order Closes on Thursday,"its gunna be RAD people"

Sizes are on par with nemisis,

if you dont have the coin right now PM me. but pull the trigger, dont hold back or it might never happen again.

want more images PM me,


Plus a sticker if they ever arrive :wink:

Just got my socks, they look great. Though the KONE envelope confused our receptionist and she opened it up. Very confused as to why KONE was sending me socks.


So if I buy the $180 kit and I’m size L/XL for socks, does that mean I miss out on my size socks or will there be an order for more socks to go with kits?

Yeah, be good if my work didnt know i used the stationary to send you something :slight_smile:

hope you like them.

Just a reminder, the kit preorder. Designed by the dude below (and looks a bit like Joy Division - Unknown Pleasures) ends tonight
This pricepoint for a full kit is about as good as it gets. So if you are tossing up do it now or wait for the next bloke to give it a go. Wont be this cheap.

thanks for all the friggin awesome lads and that who have supported so far, trying to get more L/XL socks, but its a long shot. There is about 50 pairs of small/med left any help to move em is appretiated so much. Pricepoints for these and future projects will be as low as i can get them.

If you buy a kit tonight, i’ll give you a pair of my personal couple of pairs of L\XL doesn’t get much better than that :wink:

How did this get through without endorsement

Wore the socks in tonight’s crit. Man, how good is wool! Those things are the business. Kudos Chris.

Okay, just paid up for what I imagine to be the best value kit I’ll ever buy.

I’ll just stick with the med socks as I’m right on 44 1/2.

Looking forward to it.

I’m 42.5 and went with L!
Rode with them this morning, so soft and comfy!
TC: still wearing them at work now with my suit #feelsgoodman

so pumped with everyone that grabbed a kit, thanks it’s really humbling,

and to have people racing in these already is wicked awesome,

any chance FOA peeps could “like the facebook page” so i can get a bigger pool of people, i’m thinking of doing FB page only discounts

You Cheeky bugger, S?M would have fit you perfect, im 43 1/2

I like larger socks. So what!

I got short chaged with those sizes so the pair i gave you came from my personal stack of 5, (now 2) BTW pay up :wink: