NOW @ Saint Cloud as of today, go in buy em give nick shit, Talk shit, buy a new bike. (Fuji’s are RAD), he is also stocking Creux’s new range of wool tees, they look really nice as well.
Update, the kits are 4 weeks off, got a close up look and the quality is pretty dam good, i think im gunna be happy with these, bang for buck, thiose who purchased them are gunna be pumped. #fuckattaquer4shawraphaassos
Did i just type that… whoops.
Stickers are 2 weeks away, i was number 625 in the stickerzzzzzzzzzzzz thread, i’ll chuck em about when they arrive.
will have to get me some socks.
They’re not compression socks.
Looks like Bike Snob rocks the Black Sheep socks…
Pin, you funny,
Jase, if you want some let me know and i’ll work something out. WA postage is KILLERS.
ill buy 2 pairs and stitch em together so at least they look it…double sheeps…win
^ lying bitch, you only brought one pair
thanks a bunch i’ll get it off to ya pronto.
And that’s how it’s done kids.
Nice one Chris! Just bought a pair of your socks. I hate branding/logos etc. but do like little sheepies so these will work perfect.
^ o.k now im satified, if these make it on one of your TWBD adventures, well that makes it all worthwhile.
i’ll post these and the orders i got from the weekend in the morning.
sorry i’ve been flat out at my day job, well that and checking out mustangs all weekend
Ok, pics coming after Nov 8th/9th
Just got mine friday but didnt get around to posting - awesome job on the socks - kinda regretting not getting kit if the quality is as good (and if funds permitted)
^ dude, should have hit me up I would have just got you a set, money back guarantee…
next time.
If I was to do a Blacksheep Wind Vest to match the Kit, Would anyone want one?
Cost would be stuff all.
I’d wear one on top of all of my other kit!
I would. And arm warmers and a cap
FOA Caps will match as well as black arm warmers.
Edit, i’ve been thinking of doing wool arm warmers.
…I’d love a wind vest, please make it black with the sheep on the back.
There was a slight change in the kit (they forgot the white stitching), but i think it actually turned out better.
They should arrive soon, gunna try and get a few vests made.
…i’m batman