New Track Bike…CHECK.
Disc Wheel for the rear…CHECK.
Smash it through the streets…CHECK.
There at least for drinks depending on weather.
sounds good to me.
i’ve got my hand up for a checkpoint this time tony, let simon have a bash.
see you at legoland, 1900hrs.
Hey guys - I’m out for tonight. Crook kids, late work blah blah balh. Reckon one of you can email me and I’ll let you know the course I had in mind -
See anyone who shows up at 7pm.
Oh crud, rode Mt Cootha this morning and the legs are feeling it.
i’ve been studying and was keen as to join you boys tonight. but I’m only now just about to leave the office to put in a few hours of work at home. hope you had a good one. catch you on the next one.
Equal first place (due to them being the only 2 to actually go to the final checkpoint) goes to Lupine and Brooke. The rest of us DNF’ed to get beers at the Transcontinental instead.
Winner of the sprint between the traffic lights and Chinatown was Fryshaun who wins fuck all for his trouble.
Thanks all for a good night.
Looking forward to the next one in a months time.
That was a fun night - thanks from the wussy non-fixed rider!
See you at the next one…
Tony, Monday 24th will be the last one for September…will the 2pot be on?
Damn !! I thought it was the Monday after. I’ll be out of town. Can we move it to the 1st ?
Sounds good to me
OK by me.
hoping it is.
i got’s a DFL cup to defend!
if not i’ll have to continue training by eating pizza and drinking beer until the next one.
Monday night 1st oct. 7PM at Brisbane Square. Let’s get it ooooowwwwwwwwwnnn.
It is in the diary.
I will need a fixie ride after this weekend.
ok, so i waited at lego land for half an hour for no reason.
that’s 30 minutes of my life i’ll never get back.
i keep the cup by default.
one more month and it’s mine forever…
Oh fuck, I got trapped at home, sorry. Not that you want to be seen near an SS rider. But wait, my WI ENO wheels arrive tomorrow!!! and they are red.
Sorry Lupine
I did not get away from work until 7.30pm.
Grahame is unable to ride due to injury.
Cant speak for the rest.
Sorry guys. Crook back !! Spent the day horizontal like.