BRIS - Ride

Okey… So I’ve never been able to make the Turdsday night ride… I’m figuring there’s a few people out there that are in the same boat as me. Soo… how about a new ride?

Vote your life away…

How about we wait til we find uni TT’s and shit…

i put down tues but any nights good. im keen for lazy sunday ridez actually. oh damn change of vote?

ahh… Which uni are you with? I’m at Griffith and it’s up already.
But yeh… just make a vote when you get you timetable

You should be able to revote now.

Anything but monday… Can’t miss TopGear:)

I’ll make an effort to get out any regular night I’m in town. Travelling most weeks for work means I’ll often miss out :frowning:

Other factors for me: weekends are family time (due to the travelling again). I also prefer the night rides rather than day events - its just too damn hot to be that active in brisbane during the daylight.

Thursday is as good as any.


amen to night ridez

So where/what time do you guys meet up for Tuesday rides? I’m keen to come down, if I can get away that is…

We don’t have a tuesday ride going at the moment. Just the thursday one. If we get enough votes tho. I’ll organize one.

Looks like I’m gonna miss you guys this time, I’m leaving for home on Friday… :[

weekdays in general a bit tricky for me but would be definately up for weekends