Brunswick CC

Some might be aware that I’m now club Prez.

I’m hoping to speak to as many members as I can to get a feel for what you want from the club. what you like/ don’t like about it. How awesome Cam and Dave are etc.

We’re about to start regular group rides leaving from the inner north, quite possibly on Sundays. And we will have a hot new kit soon.

For people who aren’t members, why don’t you join?

Half year race licenses are available or you could join as a recreational member
Hit me up on PM or email me here


This group ride sounds rad. I’m moving out north soon and it’ll suit me.

hey Hamish, nice work

Great news!

Bcc ftw

Nice. I recently signed up to BWK CC (was previously on a MTBA license elsewhere) primary reason was for 'cross races but now I’ve got a C.A. membership I’m hoping to try crits this summer. Club road rides sound good and would be keen on some club kit.

Hamish I thought it was a bit out-of-order the club sending that email in reference to the kids who raced at Bendigo in preference to 3DT considering how much more of an appropriate event it is for juniors to do (compared to 3DT).

that email has been mentioned to higher powers. the lack of context left many confused as to who had done the wrong thing (and made some feel incorrectly guilty). i suspect it wont happen in such a way again.

IMO, It would be good if BCC would support the ‘track league’ concept (ie a group of clubs taking tiurns at hosting a monthly marquee event)
Last season BCC promoted it when it was their turn to host, but then didn’t mention and still ran their own events when the other clubs had theirs.
Ideally the Track League events would be up on the season calendars (of all invloved clubs) and usual ‘home’ events be skipped when Track League is on.

I know the Sunday DISC session is trying to spread the load, but it still needs work. There were eight keen starters standing in the cold on sunday with no one there to open the doors or run the session. Nobody wants to get angry at volis but its frustrating none the less.

I’ve been a member of BrunswickCC for a while, but never felt connected to the club as I don’t race track, I rather crits/ road. This has made me feel closer to members of other clubs.
Regular group rides would be great IMO, and a new kit too.

The website update is an improvement. Also good that club track racing results are being posted regularly. For a while there they wouldn’t appear for almost a week, and sometimes not at all.

With regard to Daniel’s comments; I don’t feel particularly connected either. To be fair though, I’ve never bothered to help out or volunteer for anything (kids clinic, clubroom move/setup, judges roster etc.) I reckon I’d probably feel more connected if I participated at that level. I guess it’s kind of ‘choose your own involvement’. Just a thought, not criticising.

This has been addressed and other people have volunteered to give their time to help.

I think the new club rooms and bunch rides should help. On the latter, we’re just testing an app and site to make it easier. We also need to think about official ride leaders as this seems to be a requirement for the ol’ insurance side of things.

I was thinking every second sunday morning for group rides?

Are you following the brunswick_cc on instagram?
We’ll be starting more regular contact with members in the next few weeks to let people know what’s been happening and what’s coming up

Are you following the brunswick_cc on instagram?
We’ll be starting more regular contact with members in the next few weeks to let people know what’s been happening and what’s coming up.
New kit designs are being considered now. One that has been suggested is based on an old design which I really like- it’s awesome imho

What’s the deal with members of other clubs? I am a Preston member (only cos when I was first starting out they were the only ones who advertised a come and try track day around the time I was looking to get into it, they have been great so I’m not looking to ditch them especially since it’s not a very big club) but live only a 5min walk from HSV so would like to participate there as well if welcome. If group rides happen I would be keen too, basically keen for anything that gets me riding more since I barely know anyone that rides and that kinda kills some of my motivation to get on my bikes. I think there may also be a few of us from Preston hoping to come down to the session at DISC this Sunday morning so that’s a start. Perhaps I need some kind of dual citizenship haha.

^ Will check but I think it might be the same as Thursday nights- where non BCC members have to pay a nominal fee.* As I said, I’m not sure so will confirm.

*as do bcc members

Is Thursday motorpacing free for BCC members? I’ve been dropping a fiver in the tin for the last two and a half years lol.

^In that case I owe $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

(I think you’re right)