Byron Bay ride

Hey guys and gals, two mates and myself are taking on the east coast leaving this coming monday, hoping to get to byron bay in time for the blues and roots festival, but we’re trying to do everything on the cheap, we’re doing it unsupported pretty much so if anyone could offer couches to crash along the coast that would be sweet. We’re getting a blog up and running for the trip so it would be cool if you all followed us, should get heaps of photos and some video too (we have a support car for about a week and they’ll be filming). I’ll post a link to the blog when it’s up and running.
Also if anyone can give tips for places to crash, people to see, routes to take anything like that it would be great to hear.



Watch out for the hippies in Byron. That’s all I can help you with, sorry.

great choice of words itp

it will be awesome, have fun, avoid backpacker hostels like the plague. motels can be real cheap if you get the family rooms with pullouts.

Hope to camp a lot, weather permitting, and hippies don’t phase me, once you get past the smell.

Pray it don’t rain.

if you need to stop off on the central coast nsw around the gosford area , i grew up there and have mates i could ask !! im sure they would help out!

When you grabbed the stem off me the other night and said you’re riding to ‘byron’, i thought yeah whatever, some town ive never heard of, i wouldve been more excited if i knew what you meant ‘byron bay’. good luck dude, hope it all goes well.

This made me giggle.

Without fail, it pours down rain every easter on the NSW north coast - I can only recall attending 1 dry Bluesfest… and that was back when it was at the rugby grounds

Kayteeo Melbourne to Byron Bay by bicycle

Here’s the link everyone, nothing up but we’ll ad as much as we can, when we can.