I was looking to build another conversion for myself, this time was going to have some track ends braised in, simply to make it easier to get the wheel in and out (i know the bb is still lower than an actual track frame.
I started adding up what I would have to do, and what it would cost:
[li]have track ends brazed in $250[/li][li]Bead blast and powder coat $80[/li][/ul]
Add to all that the time spent filing off bosses etc, and what do I end up with, a road frame with fork ends.
Having track ends does NOT make it easier to get your wheel in and out. It makes it harder. I can’t for the life of me think why anyone started making track ends, i think it’s more that people started making road drop outs and track bikes stayed the old way.
In answer to your question though, Pake, the one on Wiggle sells, then a few others you can get over the net age probably your best bet. You could probably get a nice old frame for the same $$ if you look long enough.
there are heaps of track frames which can be bought as a frameset, just gota do your research and pick whats right. something like a steamroller would probs be ideal.
track ends are also good for those with mega tight clearances that can’t load their wheel in from the front (like a road bike) because the seat tube is in the way.
I put big tires on my conversion and had to deflate the tire just to get the Damn thing on
My experience has been great so far. Put the order through, got a prompt e-mail from them advising that fork drilling would result in a bit of a delay and asking if I wanted to do it myself instead. Once it was confirmed it shipped straight away. Hasn’t arrived yet, but I’ve got a tracking number and it only took 4 days to get into the country. Now I just need to wait for the slack local shipping company.