Cipo's Flesh Skinsuit revival!

Cipo’s infamous musco-skeletal skin suit finally hits the fashion stakes…

Muscles Leggings | Black Milk Clothing

About time! Have an inkling that may not end up a best-seller though.

So how did you stumble across that one?

Would wear… If they made them for men lol… And only while riding :open_mouth:

I don’t know what you mean???

Gert hold of a chamois and stitch it in, completo!

I too would wear, but they would probably end up 3/4 length on my pegs!

they’re stretch dude :stuck_out_tongue:

not as much as you think… especially without the extra material at the frontal region… ha ha

dunno about you guys (girls?) but if it’s tights season there’s not much need for extra material in the frontal region in my experience … your mileage may vary

I bought a chamois from eBay months ago for reasons such as this. Have been meaning to put it in some Jeggings, but these may be better.

Yeas, fuck yeah! DO IT! (you’ve got the legs for it, wink wink!)

my boss bought these and they look sickkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. black milk also do some great bones ones.