Colossi Frames !!!! how are they?

Are they any good ?

any sugestions?

They are the awesomest.
Do a search yo! Top right hand corner. Heaps of peep ride them,

Double trouble.

im pretty sure user Gypsy has a couple of colossi frames and loves them.

There real nice email Eric and check the new colourway out they look shit hot.

they look great, and are a very decent price. I don’t know of anyone who has complained.

after sundays brisbane to gold coast ride i want one, eric and tom’s both looked amazing on the road, i believe they are open to custom orders also, do it

i have two, one has been my work bike(courier) for around 16 months now and has not missed a beat. it was actually the first colossi built up from the first shipment i think.

my other is the same as eriks, triple triangle, bent seat tube columbus max (awww yeah) and it gets the occasional run at the veledrome when i can make it out there.

2 thumbs up from me,

I had one… i loved it. Purchase now.

my current lust frame is a colossi 5


Quoted for truth.

So stoked with mine.

It seems like theres a heap of people riding Colossi in this forum. Thats a cue for ‘post your colossi’ thread.

Great idea!!!

Would help me out heaps with possible colour options and frame types.

Hopefully I cna get one soon then wait for trading access to build it up a bit cheaper

Went past Gear (I work in west end) Erik is a rad dude for sure … and has really good advice + the shop is like a candy store ($$$$ dam not having any)

I tried to start the Post you Colossi thred it got shut down by mods as you cna Search “colossi” …

Had you done that before you posted the new thread, you would have found this thread which would have been wierd.


Post your ride is for… wait for it… posting YOUR ride. Search for Colossi, find other people’s, comment on them. We don’t need a whole thread in there dedicated to one type of bike that has already been posted before, as nice as the Colossi’s are.

i actually wouldnt mind a ‘post your mcbain’ thread, that sh1t would be interesting

So you can post all your bikes in one thread jase?

And it’s inevitable spin off… the post your fake Hillman thread!