Courier Cup 09

so bummed i only got to race for 3 minutes, and i’ll be missing the roller race. BUGGGGGER

What happened to you Pip?

I got to the CP1 first (apparently) then had major brain fade and went to the wrong next CP, threw a tanty and went and had a Big Mac.

Yeah i got pursued by the cops…i ran a red next to a cop car on the corner of elizebeth and burke…it put the sirens on and started the chase followed me down a side street but then i rode into a car park and hid out until they left…was scary as hell…all in a bikin of course!!

they fit perfectly…i would like to dedicate this ride to my girlfriend for lending me the attire for the evening… :smiley: :evil:

[quote="x-campbell "]

Yeah i got pursued by the cops…i ran a red next to a cop car on the corner of elizebeth and burke…it put the sirens on and started the chase followed me down a side street but then i rode into a car park and hid out until they left…was scary as hell…all in a bikin of course!!
[/quote]haha! in that fucking bikini,good hiding bro.

HMC: Can i leave work a little early, theres a ride i wanna do in the city.
Boss: Actually we need to finish stocktake, can you stay back and do it?