cyclist sues driver

good for her.

Injured cyclist sues crash driver | Bicycles | Road Rules | Courts

Good stuff!!

Hope this opens the floodgates…!

not sure why this is in the news, id say it is pretty common

i am 10 months into a civil case against a driver who hit me… i have received judgement in my favour, now awaiting payment of the large settlement amount (almost twice what this person was going for).

I went straight to the insurance company and had 7K within 5 days

*lots of phone calls and emails though one to the insurance ombudsman, I had nothing better to do anyway as i was banged up a bit.

hmm, article seemed to suggest it was a rare occurence. maybe coz most the fucking drivers don’t stop.

glad you guys have managed to get the appropriate compensation though :slight_smile:

wouldn’t be too surprised to hear that story had it’s origins in Maurice Blackburn’s media liaison office.

lucky there was insurance cover, the number of uninsured drivers getting around is absolutely massive

Isn’t third party insurance compulsory?

Hard not to stop when you have gone through the windscreen and you bike ends up “inside” a 7-eleven.

yes it is

it doesn’t cover damage to property though, does it?

Should do, I thought it was to cover property damage and injury to others

third party personal (injury) insurance is, yes

that doesnt cover someone driving over your bike and crushing your aerospoke/deep v combination

negative (in SA anyway)

Just personal injury I believe.

How about these cycling road hazards get off the road & stop trying to blame motorists for when they get cleaned up. Our roads are not designed for cycling.

I guess this also allows car drivers to now sue cyclists for the damage they do to their cars.

Posted By: moi | melbourne - October 21, 2011, 2:15PM

Read more: Injured cyclist sues crash driver | Bicycles | Road Rules | Courts

lol dikhead…

not in VIC…

I had to sue a man hating asshat who tag teamed with a Rav 4 against me and my GT tarck and refused to pay/ or even inform her insurance! It took nearly 18 months. All over 3k.
They tried to force a metallurgical test on frame to ascertain date of damage. The rear stay was bent into the wheel!
They then wanted magistrate to disallow my clothing claim until i pointed out that if I’d been in another Rav 4 and got blood on/ripped my clothes the claim would have precedence. We cyclists have to work fuckin’ hard against so many levels of incompetence just to get what everyone takes for granted.
She was/is a public servant in charge of Recreation SA initiatives to encourage more cycle commuting!
Compulsory 3rd party insurance only pertains to injuries…I think victims of crime is for loss of property.

you cant go for victims of crime if the incident has anything to do with a car crash, they will just point you to third party personal (compulsary) insurance

Well thats a bit crap…

makes sense though, why would you get your own insurance if everyone was covered for property damage through CTP?