DaFROG'S racing hat

Since I’m running a banner add hopefully it’s ok to post in this forum.
I’ve tried to post a few replies to my for sale thread with new hats/specials but they seem to have gotten lost in the ether.

Anyway it’s $15 + $3 postage within Aus for a standard hat, contact me by PM.

Here’s my latest effort testing out some iron on t-shirt transfer printer paper:

and for those times when words cannot express your rage just flip up the brim

another T-shirt transfer hat:

already given this one to my bro (he did the artwork for it) but can make another if anyone wants one. I can’t make any guarantees as to the longevity or colour fastness of the transfers though haven’t done enough testing yet. here’s what the smaller hat was for:

Grot the hippo from TFHmy bro’s blog. If you happen to need a Grot sized hat i’m sure something can be arranged.

Also as a sponsor special i have the following factory seconds for $10 each.

There’s nothing functionally wrong with them just some wonky looking stitching and seams folded the wrong way on some of the brims. One of the green ones is also slightly smaller


Still have all the $10 specials pictured above if anyone is interested

Found these lying around the house, standard price $15ea:

Made this the other night. DaFROG’S racing hat metal edition.

made form semi stretch black denim (recycled jeans, not mine i don’t wear stretch denim :stuck_out_tongue: ).
Unfortunately I’ve never worked with stretchy fabric before and using my standard pattern it turned out to be HUGE, at least 65cm.
FREE to anyone with either a large head or massive hair.

Also made this last night but it’s spoken for:

P.S. (can’t edit posts in this part of the forum) iron on T Shirt transfers have been tested and survived a couple of washing’s with no adverse affects

MOAR HAT!!1!1!!!shift1

Made to order, should be in the post monday :stuck_out_tongue:

Also using up the left over bits of russian doll fabric. This one is available

I also have enough russian doll fabric left overs for one more similar to the above.

seriously if you are married and live outside melbs you should buy one so you can tell your wife you are getting a mail order russian doll (DaFROG’S racing hat takes no responsibility for any injuries you sustain should you embark on this course of action)

I’ve just paid up my banner add and to celebrate (and get rid of more quality control failures, no i didn’t mean to imply rolly is a quality control failure) i thought i’d update this thread

I’ve got enough high vis orange left over for one more hat with Ranga brim as above, take your pick of the fabrics shown in my photobucket album for the other panels.

Hats pictures by DaFROGtypeX - Photobucket

I still have the russian doll on blue background hat shown above and plenty of the perennial favorite black and white owlway fabric also shown in a previous post.

^quality control failures $10 in melbs $12.50 posted to aus. the green and the white ones have dodgy looking stitching, the two blue ones were made using inferior quality black and gold brand disposable plates for the brim reinforcement (I can make non fail versions in all these fabrics except the white one if desired).

^DaFROG’S QC inspector

^standard hats in new fabrics $15 in melbs $18 posted to aus.

I’ll buy one if you can get some of that rad space fabric!

Like this:


Or this:

:slight_smile: please :slight_smile:


it’s called mylar foil, it’d probably make a pretty shit hat

sorry didn’t see your second post i’ll keep an eye out.
If you can find any you can always send it to me and i’ll stitch up some hats.
non stretchy cotton fabrics seem best to work with, bed sheets/pillow cases/cushion covers should all be possible to turn into hats

Thanks man! Been trying to track some down for ages for my own projects, but Perth sucks. If I find some first I’ll be sure to get in touch. Gonna check out some fabric shops when immin Syd next week that my old lady goes to. They get all the Prada and other designer fabrics… Pretty rad.

I’m going to go find some fabric with dogs on it today.

Any chance to get a few simple custom caps with “FYC” on the brim, DaFrog?

Yep, plain white brim with FYC on both sides and your choice of fabric for the rest of the hat would be $17 (same for anyone else wanting something on either the brim or front panel, keeping it simple and black and white will give best results with my current transfer/printer combo).

let me know exactly how many, might be able to do a bulk discount :stuck_out_tongue:

If you have a specific font in mind let me know

check out my photobucket album for fabric choices

I’ve got a lot of red and white stripe, green with white stars, camo tone stars and union jack

Edit: thanks for allowing editing in this forum, highly necessary with my woeful english/proof reading skills :stuck_out_tongue:

hello kitty and pac man.
The hello kitty is spoken for and this particular print was only a small sample piece, i should be able to get 1 to 2 more hats out of it with just the brim and front panel in the kitty print. If there’s enough interest i can order more of this print in.

Plenty of Pac man fabric, hit me up via PM if you’re interested

So I’ve had a few PM’s etc asking if i have this or that fabric.
Basiclaly if it’s in my photobucket album I’ve got it, unless i’ve used it all up or it failed QC (thats code for simcard, QC inspector, has vomited on it)
However all is not lost.
If you really have your heart set on a one direction cycling cap (or pretty much anything else for that matter) you can probably find the fabric on Etsy - Your place to buy and sell all things handmade, vintage, and supplies.
I prefer working with medium weight cotton fabric (heavier is fine but will make the cap hotter) and only need an approx 50x50cm square of fabric to get a hat out of. “Fat Quarters” sold for quilting are roughly this size and are perfect size for a single hat (i think they are nominally 46 x 50 or something but can vary).
If you see something you like but aren’t sure if it’s suitable for hat making send me a link and I can check it out.
As a general rule it’s $10 + postage to make a hat out of material you supply but if you supply more than required for the number of hats you want I can offer a discount if I keep the extra fabric

Hell yeh! Hello Kitty heading my way!

Hello kitty !!!

Yes i’m still alive.

One HUGE hello kitty and two baby sized hats, custom made to order.
Trialing a new construction technique which looks a bit tidier inside and results in only one line of visible stitching round the rim.

I’ve got some more safety orange fabric for more ranga caps if anyone’s interested.

So after finishing off my bike for the Show N Shine at 12am I proceeded to frantically try to make some hats so I’d have some hats to sell rather than some fabric and an order book.
I succeeded in making some hats (and staying awake all night) so I did indeed have some wares for my stall. I even managed to sell some which is quite surprising considering how coherent i felt after ~36 hours sans sleep) These are the left overs:

I’ve also got some fabrics that would make the ideal gift for the cyclist in your life at this time of year (particularly if they’re an elephant):

MOAR fabrics:

Colours are a bit off the surfer pattern is full on '80’s fluro the stuff in the middle is wool (and it’s apricot)

Colours are OK in this one. the elmo and blue skulls are kinda fluffy pajama material