Think i ran 41/20 on my pomp. Was usually pretty happy with that apart from always spinning out on the velodrome sections.
yeah. spooky was so great last year.
^ oh my
Aha. I built a Shogun Metro ghetto cross to race last year, but ended up spectating with a broken collarbone. I need to find me another Metro…
So there’s a Gravel Grinder on the 6th of April?
Does the seasons pass cover the NCXS race entry or support race only for round 2?
Was just about to post asking if there’s a location set yet…
But feel free to come down early and help set up / start the beer hand ups early
Yo MikeD, you should liaise with Angry and get this promoted!
On to it. I had completely forgot.
Support race for sure. We are in the process of working out how we are dealing with NCXS entries.
So can I do these with my CA Silver Licence ?
That’s a non compete. So no.
You can race the Mt Donna Buang hill climb on the 4th May with the Silver licence…
Not sure it is so clear as cv allow you to race time trials with silver, just not mass starts
And also events deemed ‘development’.
The kidz licence they are using for juniors in this is a silver level one too.
Are these cx things mass start or indivicual?
we got ‘this close’ to being allowed by CA to accept silver licences apparently.
But at this point its a full (gold) licence only.
Mass start, or ‘release the animals’ is how CX rolls.
No worries, Swuzz Jnr can race and I’ll come for the Hot CX Buns.
Can I ask general CX type questions here? Like:
What diameter tyres are acceptable for DDCX?
I’ve never raced or seen a race before, just a few videos. What skillz should I work on?
if your tyres don’t look much over 35mm, we won’t whip out the UCI APPROVED tyre gauge.
if you’re in C / Open, they can be 4" for all we care.
Skills: bunnyhops, accepting handups, back of the pack finish line salutes, clever heckles. I suppose cornering and barrier (dis/re)mounts would be useful too.
add wheelies, skidzzz, giving handups, pain face, laughing while at physical limits, binning it, hi-fives…while wearing inappropriate for cycling attire.