DVD recommendation of the day (DVDROTD)

The Imposter - Trailer (HD) (Frederic Bourdin) - YouTube


I desparately want a DVD of Catch 22. Anyone know where I can get one?

And try a Sam Peckinpah western. Either The Wild Bunch or Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid. Bob Dylan has a interesting minor role.

The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters. This was a little slow to get going but it is a kick arse doco! If your into games you MUST check it out. There seems to be a few different covers…

Damn that was good.

Django Unchained - Official Trailer (HD) - YouTube
another amazing movie, a little long but well worth the viewing!!!

Watched it last night. Loved it. But yeah a little long.

My gf brought this home to watch so I invited HLC and his +1 over for some DVD lols…

Can’t really say I enjoyed it, but if you like watching people eat someone elses poo it’s definately worth a watch.

I thought that was “Two girls and a cup”?

I liked the first human centipede better!

the human centipede is pointless, stupid, poorly executed and stupid.

I agree with you. In saying that though, im glad it exists.

sons of anarchy is sick except for the bit where the main guy wears pristine white sneakers.

I just finished season5, and this has bugged me the whole way through…

i watched the intouchables based on the recommendation on this forum, totally not my type of film but 9/10

not my type of film either, but fuck it was well made, and a great watch.


today i plan to watch this.

Promised Land Official Trailer #1 (2012) - Matt Damon Movie HD - YouTube

and also this was fucking amazing, 2 veteran actors fucking killing it.

Stand Up Guys Official Trailer #1 (2012) - Al Pacino, Christopher Walken Movie HD - YouTube

Promised land, was good, not amazing, but a worthy watch for sure.

yerog, intouchables was amazing

Saw this the other night. Is good. Killer soundtrack too.