Explain your username.....

Holy crap - how bored are you today Piles?!!? :smiley: hehhe

Bingo! </obvious>

Internet Anagram Server!

This has to be the post of the day.

Funny on so many levels.

From the movie Donnie Darko. Some shit about it being the most beautiful word in the English language. So I though it would suit me. I use it for most of my Interneterising. Except on Photobucket where it was already taken. So I went with cellardoorcellardoor. Twice as beautiful and none of that ‘word with trail of numbers hanging of the end of it like sheeps dag’. Although on eBay I’m rocking the sheeps dag number trail.

Slackarse :stuck_out_tongue:

:-o :evil: How did I miss that one before?!


Too cheap to pay for city parking.

you still alive??

the sport … not the hair stuff

You should come down and do the Urban Polaris in Canberra then! Rogaine on a bike!

lupine, latin for things have a wolf like bearing or relating to wolves.
at the time i had a short beard, slightly shaggy hair and was pointman for our paintball tournament team.
128 cause it’s a random number…

So… Is there a deeper reason for using the name Lupine

1976 Aussie surf flick. I like bicycles and surfing.

Tubular, like a tyre. Get it? Huh?? What???

Donnie Darko hey? Is everything alright? Would you like to have a chat?

… and that coming from Donga.


i think this thread needs a dig

ive always wondered wtf is is P!N20…im always saying ‘PINZO’ in my head

i think mines pretty damn obvious, but it actually came from an ex colleague who would always greet me with a ‘jaseyjase with the big bass’ when i worked retail during my uni days

Woah… almost 10 years dormant! Cool, I’ll play… I’ve dabbled in the land of “will-full damage” over the years and amongst others went by the name Lokione, as in Loki 1, NOT Lokioney :slight_smile: Nothing really leaves the sketchbooks these days but I’ll end to end top to bottom the whiteboard sometimes just to see if I still got it.

Old thread. Wow.

Back when me and mckenny were in a country and western band he decided my musician name should be heavy metal jono, mostly cos I’m not into metal. Been using it as my internet handle ever since, about 17 years now?

Rodney Colin O’Hara