I know this is a generic thread for most forums but there a couple of usernames that I’ve been curious about the origins of. I’m gonna take a punt at a few to get the ball rolling…
snowflake - Delicate white man
spud - got a head only a mother could love
ndf - No Damn Form
Captin Commuter - You have a fetish with getting places regardless of where they may be
Nexus - you’re really just emo and you are trying to be deep by saying you have internal ways of shifting your gearing/angst.
Mine, if you hadn’t already guessed, is my first name and the first 2 letters of my last name, not some poor attempt to trick you into thinking I’m the lead vocalist in a Hip-Hop crew.
I had an explaination for my user name when Rhino started a similar thread way back when. Can’t remember what it is now. Can’t check back either since past threads have been deleted.
Anyhow, what I do know is that “Koon” is the first character of my ethnic name. Maybe it seemed like a good idea back then to tag “What the …” in front of that.
i think i was listening to “can’t truss it” by public enemy when i signed up. the song ahas the line “started tickin’ in 86” i thought that using that line as my username may lead people to believe i was born in 86, so i opted for tick.tick.tick.
i use this forum name for the majority of the forums i post on.
im originally from moe (moccasins on everyone)
i figured it was appropriate that ‘i wear moccos’
mine is a fair representation of my first couple of years as a mountain biker. As with most good nicknames it was awarded by others.
The guys I rode with were constantly amazed that I never sustained any serious injuries. Every time a crash dummy goes for a ride they crash hard, get dusted off and patched up and go and do it again.
Lea Inns
Ale Inns
Lane Ins
Lane Sin
Lean Ins
Lean Sin
Elan Ins
Elan Sin
Elans In
Lanes In
Leans In
Seal Inn
Sale Inn
Ales Inn
Leas Inn
Nae Nils
Sane Nil
Lain Ens
Nail Ens
Nails En
Slain En
Snail En
Ani Lens
La Nines
Las Nine
An Liens
An Lines
As Linen