Facebook comp with your bike form VICE mag

do u think we’ll get cadel’s vote this time?

I am outraged by this. I don’t care if you vote for greenmachine, cambell, or pip’s. Just get that monstrosity out of first place.

I’m taking the plunge by adding fort heart to friends list and voting for Ken!

Only needs about 130 more votes to win.

I’ve posted on fb, askin’ peeps to add/vote for the ken.

Haha Gee FB has been down at work didn’t see how many votes he’d gotten or some of the really nice rides put up. I liked pip’s

im not sure why some of you are so shocked, this isnt a poll just for fixie aficionados. your regular facebooker wont care about sweet tight geometry, reputable makers, or mad performance enhancing zipps, they’re gonna pick on colours basically. although I defeinitely think that guys just told a bunch of friends to vote, cambells looks way nicer

Too true. Why not have one of our own then? People submit their own ride, and we all vote on it? Someone could get a prize happening or something.
Not that we need reassurance in the awesomeness of our rides though.

told a bunch of friends to vote = http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=116152428428862&index=1

campbell’s won’t win. look at the disagreeable angle difference between his stem and his handlebars.

Until actually opening this thread. I thought it was Mckenny’s vice thread.

I’d vote, but you know…

who cares if some clueless hipster likes another clueless hipster’s bike

I know this is off topic but some people here will like this article in vice


HMC / Nikcee take note:

Rumor has it that the bullet belts they (Sarcofago) wore on the sleeve were mainly made up of old batteries painted black because they couldn’t find enough actual bullets. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it, poser.

Eugh. When the metal dies.

Fixed that for you

When the metal becomes trendy for 15 minutes, then dies. What would Varg say? I would ask Ghaal, but he has been voted queer of the year, and has far too many appointments.

This one was from about two years ago.

True Norwegian Black Metal - Music World | VBS.TV

And Vice also published Peter Beste book of the same name about a year ago.

probably something really racist

It wouldn’t be Varg if it wasn’t. But he would call it the search for purity or something dumb like that. Good moustache though.

i like where this thread is going. maybe we should try to turn every thread into a BM thread