Fitz Challenge

Anyone planning on doing any of the Fitz’s rides?
If I can get fit enough I want to do the Tharwa challenge, but since buying a house closer to work I’m struggling to keep the weekly k’s about 250. If I can’t get the k’s up I will settle for the Tidbinbilla challange.

If anyone is keen to hook up for a couple of training rides a week let me know.


Nope, not planning on it but if there are a bunch of people interested in the 50km option I will come along for that as more a social thing than anything.

I’m not much of a roadie, only did my first road ride on Sunday from Kambah to Tidbinbilla via point hut which was alright. The day before I climbed Black Mountain for the first time followed by Red Hill so I am slowly getting in to it.

Yeah I am definitely in - we’ll be the fixed gear peloton in the 50km challenge! :slight_smile: I’m in for the social aspect too, the challenge would be fun.

Did you climb Black Mt on your fixie?

Nah, I climbed it on the roadbike I got from the tip. My mate rode it on his single speed MTB. He almost yacked.

ah cool. I read in the ACT section of the forums that someone did it on a fixie with a 39/16 ratio, so it is possible. It’s on my list of things to do thats for sure!

Good on you for doing it though, its tough regardless of what bike you are on!

But yeah, back to fitz’s challenge, I’m keen!

I think that was me on the other forum, but I used to do it 39/15 :slight_smile:
Its definetely do able and quite fast. I think my fastest times up blacky have been fixed.

I’m up for fitzs too… I was in bike culture today, they are throwing out flite 100s for $650! many sizes… man I’m keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen. But have just spent a wad of cash to build up a roadie. Ah well… Maybe they’ll go down even more in a month when I’m ready to pay.

I’ve ridden up Black Mtn fixed once. In 46:16. Also possible, but not exactly fast and cadence was down to like 20-30 rpm. The quads hurt for days after too…
I don’t recommend.

Did the Tharwa Challange last year, and will man up to Fitz’s Classic this year, but will likely ride my roadie in Vikings colours. Let the flames commence… :smiley: