Anyone planning on doing any of the Fitz’s rides?
If I can get fit enough I want to do the Tharwa challenge, but since buying a house closer to work I’m struggling to keep the weekly k’s about 250. If I can’t get the k’s up I will settle for the Tidbinbilla challange.
If anyone is keen to hook up for a couple of training rides a week let me know.
Nope, not planning on it but if there are a bunch of people interested in the 50km option I will come along for that as more a social thing than anything.
I’m not much of a roadie, only did my first road ride on Sunday from Kambah to Tidbinbilla via point hut which was alright. The day before I climbed Black Mountain for the first time followed by Red Hill so I am slowly getting in to it.
ah cool. I read in the ACT section of the forums that someone did it on a fixie with a 39/16 ratio, so it is possible. It’s on my list of things to do thats for sure!
Good on you for doing it though, its tough regardless of what bike you are on!
I think that was me on the other forum, but I used to do it 39/15
Its definetely do able and quite fast. I think my fastest times up blacky have been fixed.
I’m up for fitzs too… I was in bike culture today, they are throwing out flite 100s for $650! many sizes… man I’m keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen. But have just spent a wad of cash to build up a roadie. Ah well… Maybe they’ll go down even more in a month when I’m ready to pay.
I’ve ridden up Black Mtn fixed once. In 46:16. Also possible, but not exactly fast and cadence was down to like 20-30 rpm. The quads hurt for days after too…
I don’t recommend.
Did the Tharwa Challange last year, and will man up to Fitz’s Classic this year, but will likely ride my roadie in Vikings colours. Let the flames commence…