Hello gold coast fixie riders
Race is 30th June, Circle on cavell 6.30pm. Capture the flag. First prize Cinelli PISTA bars (used). Free entry
Thanks to Pulp Fixion in advance for organizing the ride
Hello gold coast fixie riders
Race is 30th June, Circle on cavell 6.30pm. Capture the flag. First prize Cinelli PISTA bars (used). Free entry
Thanks to Pulp Fixion in advance for organizing the ride
What are PISA bars?
Sure its not PISTA?
Are you fucking RETARDED? Like it says ‘Pista’. Why pick at the faults?
Wow i dont smoke. but i swear it said PISA before.
It would be good if you could come along to this one Gypsy. Capture the flag is good fun.
I will put up a pic of the bars when I pick them up.
brissos welcome?
For sure
The more the merrier!
just don’t bring the bacon with u
according to all the hate we received :roll: you guys have already done enough to bring the bacon on yourselves by advertising it online :roll:
any other brisbandits thinking bout a trip down for a roll?
Maybe i’ll see what i’ve got on.
Thinking about it.
Same. Could be fun.
Would it change your mind if there was cake involved?
cake can sway and indecision and resolve any issue
note* there will be no cake
Neg on the cake. maybe a drum of unleaded fuel So we can drive. Otherwise i think the train might be the goer.
besides, the cake is a lie
I cut up a few vinyls
I have a few extras ill hand out at the race on tuse night
got the stickers. thanx designjerk.
see you all there!
First Prize Pics
Cheers muchly.
Note my mad app skillz.
hells yea
nice prize bars. they wont match my bike though. looks like i’ll need to do a build up steeleeeee:)