Fizik Arione seat and Thomson post stolen: Outside Union Club Hotel 7/2/14

Hey guys,

I’m a rare poster on here but a long time lurker.

I was at a house party on Gore street on Friday night (7/2/14) and decided instead of riding home drunk i’d lock my bike up and get a cab home. I went and found a bike loop outside the Union Club Hotel locked it up at about 10:30pm and planned to pick it up after work on saturday. At 4:15pm Saturday I returned to my bike removed of its seat and post… I called up the Union Club Hotel to ask if they have cctv outside but alas they don’t, I was also informed of some other thefts that night also quite unfortunate.

here is a photo:

If anyone has any info it would be greatly appreciated.


Unless the thief plans to put them on their own ride, I reckon there is a good chance you’ll see these for sale somewhere. Check the Cash Converters on Smith St, but also ebay, gumtree etc.

Any distinguishing marks - eg tear on the side of the saddle, gouge or marks on the post? Also what are the post details - Elite, 27.2 x 330?

I’ll check out cash converters tomorrow. I’ve been keeping an eye on ebay and gumtree but nothing yet.

Unfortunately there is nothing i can remember they were both pretty much brand new. The post was indeed 27.2x330mm.


that’s a badass bike man! I hope you get your saddle and post back!