FoA meet 9/7/12 [Melbourne]

So want to write

“Who’s a nark?!”

in that thread.

i just took a look at his post history for the first time, and he really does just make inane commentary and sell random bike bits. i wouldnt be upset if he were permabanned upon the next stupid thing he says.

I’ve msgd him a few times about his behaviour here (a sample of his responses below) and he knows better, but still acts like a dick.

“After I posted my stupid message I did think that it was not really the right thing to do etc.”

“I will make a specific effort to get over the whole me versus them attitude and use the forum for more positive communication.”

“Sorry for being an idiot.”

I’m kind of used to him now. I met him a while ago and he’s a bit strange. The thing that annoys me the most is when he sells stuff he usually says “which I think is a really good price”. I dunno why bit it really irritates me.

Actually I think DICE is worse. I met him once on a gravel grinder an he seemed like a nice guy but his posts usually make him come across as a rude know it all fuckhead. But some of you know him right? Maybe he’s one of those guys who just doesn’t come across well on the Internet? Or maybe I’m a fuckhead.

Dice is a dick on the internet for sure. Haven’t met him IRL, don’t really want to. Too many beardo tendencies.

hahahaha his “which is a really good price” line gives me the shits too!!

as for DICE, i met him through blakey and he lives up my street pretty much, see him a little bit here and there. he’s a nice enough guy (he’s lent me his stand, offered me lifts, picked up a bike from blakeys for me etc) but he does have very strong opinions on lots of things, and can occasionally talk for long periods about things i have no interest in, so i’m not overly sure where i stand on ol mate DICE. his comments in the cycles galleria thread pissed me off though.

i dunno. blakey, you mates with him or do you just happen to know him?

i met him at rolly’s. i had no idea he was dice, but within about fifteen seconds i wanted to kill him. or myself. either would have solved the problem.

and then i found out he was dice. and that made it worse.

yeah, that was the day hurley was building my roadie and i ducked down the the roobaix quickly to grab a saddle off erle. i got home to see dice chatting away to hurley and brenno like besties and i assumed they’d met before. nope, he just thought he’d say hey (which is fine), but he picked the wrong two dudes to talk about how the lighter the bike, the faster he could go to. i could see both hurley and brenno had glazed over and had possibly been that way for a while…

he also had a dig at the mods for having the last word before locking threads, which i was gonna respond to, but then thought i’d just leave it seeing as we’re not gonna do that anymore anyway.

so, yeah, i dunno, really good guy in lots of ways, maybe just a bit over familiar with a tendency to waffle on.

much like all of the above really…

That would have solved two problems! Ha.

I thought one of you guys would have picked up on this as well. lance-armstrong-limited-edition-carbon-road-cycling-shoes

I think DICE bought a frame off me once too. I’ve met him, I just don’t remember him.

he can be a punish for sure.

waddya mean?

He didn’t say it (the good price comment), and I couldn’t help myself.

ahahahaha noowwwwww i get it. i actually thought they were a good prize, hence me missing it!!

DICE is a largely decent guy, but most of the comments above summarise his downsides.

he is overly know-it-all online thanks (i suspect) to easy access to google. he definitely talks the talk about MTBing but his legs really cant back it up, and thats coming from me… i know i suck out there.

slinky has some amusing things to say about him…

but he is quite good hearted IRL… just a bit of a punish if you get stuck talking to him.