FOA Show n Shine 2013 - Saturday November 30th!

Long shot, but If I go and Mrs. Spirito isn’t interested then you can be shotgun - that means road trip :wink:
If I’m not going see if Kumo is keen to load up the WaSaabi and play shotgun with him.

Is there room on it for little engraved shields. i.e. perpetual trophy style?

If so, yes.

My girl is building a custom Mixte specifically!
She had high hopes of a win here…

I have nothing good to enter but I might be able to attend. I’m seeing Fleetwood Mac play near Geelong that evening so may be around to attend.

I’d be pretty excited to come as I missed the inaugural FOASnS.

Also possibility of driving from Sydney with spare seats.

Specifically for an event that hadn’t even been announced?

I’ll start spreading rumours that you’ll be attending.

I always enjoy a roadie to Melbs so will try to make it across again!

I’m down there for FMAC to…

Now have to convince the wife to let me drag a bike along to her Bday weekend…

tusk tusk Blakey you should be ashamed of yourself

I’ll look for the guy buying a million apology wines for his wife

I’m bringing a NOS Apollo that was made for and presented to Pope John Paul II. The fact that he rejected it makes it even more valuable imo. It’s painted in a special poo brown hamerite finish (aka Pope Brown).

Looking forward to seeing this :wink:

Roadtrip with Spirito - not going to pass on this one. Count me in. Keep me up to date on this :wink:

Need moustache tips … if I start now we could have the hirsute time of our lives !!

After last years event we assumed there would be one this year!
And maybe it’s not just for this event - she wants a sweet mixte that she can just hop onto and go places.

Fuck this. I’m coming down.


awwwww yeahhhhh

^^ Awww fk. You are fully creeping on Ev today Rolly.


hahaha not even! it’s not like I’m offering him my bed…

Bitches plz! There’s plenty to go 'round…

Not sure about flights yet, I may even drive. If so, will bring a bike of some description. May even build the Koga back up with rizors and what not. Keith, could pick you up on the way through. Two of the tallest blokes of FOA in the same vehicle!

I am going to put my leave form in for the Monday. Not that leave forms mean shit around here just like last time I was meant to come down for Roobaix.

sweet, maybe I’ll get a free ticket to the show n shine! wait…

I’m probably going over, so I’ll just tell everyone I’m you.

But in all seriousness, I’m 98% coming over, this time I’ll be bringing a bike (either the #cannondalerack or the Whitehorn Malvern Star townie), so I’ll probably be Zoltaned by Saturday evening.

EDIT: Mrs JLN not ZLTN will also be coming over, she’ll probably bring her (not Steve) Albini for the retro roadies with ergos (not brifters 'cos passionful Campy) catergory. I can also bring my ipad so I can play some music so it can be like my music thread in real time. Seriously.