a question. i’m not sure if i should force forums registartion. this annoying board seems to let you post without any notification as guest. so a few people (including me) have been a bit confused and posted as guest, which means you can’t edit etc.
on the other hand, being forced to register sometimes deters people. what do you guys reckon?
I noticed this too. I was going to suggest perhaps making registration mandatory for posting, but not reading.
That would get rid of the monthly critical mass spam too as well as any other unwanted crap (OK so I’m not a huge CM fan, but since it’s always the last Friday of the month, except for Christmas usually, we don’t need to see CM spam every month). YMMV.
However, it’s your site Nick so do you what you want to do. I didn’t want to sound like I’m chiming in with how you should run things.
yeah, i pretty much agree with you. and its everyone’s site, i just happen to host it; im open to everything and anything… in a perfect world i’d just let anyone modify it.