
look left…

BTW, if it’s trading acces your after, post counts no longer matter… Wait your 25 days…

But you still need 1 post…

I think that’s an awesome idea. would prevent so much flooding of the threads, AND ease the minds of the mods and the nerves of another over exuberant member

That is, the copypasta. not the brakes. that is funny though

the only problem with that is noobs never read the stickies anyway. that’s why they’re noobs.

yeah but they think they know what they are doing but then realise not. meaning they crawl back to the stickies

can we just stop letting people in?

‘Sorry, we already have a Homer’
does anyone actually know anyone named Homer?

I do and in he uses another name instead

I don’t blame him.
I use the name ‘Jesus’ quite often. Or Michael. That’s a good one when I have to call my name out over crowds.

‘what’s your name boy?’
‘And where are you from?’
‘OH REALLY?!?!?’

I’m a stand up comic’s favourite audience member, I swear it.

I would love to see the fixies for sale! im getting there!

<sigh> p-dub, you nailed it.

Even when you link them the related sticky, they still don’t. I don’t get it.

n00b brain different to normal brain.
until they stuff up enough to learn.

Ahhh, but Mr. Bikegene, I see you too joined these forums but a mere month ago.

May I refer you to a wiki which may be of interest?

Pot calling the kettle black - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

wow! 7th post burn! not bad!

yeah yeah yeah yeah
thanks patch

although patch has already established itself as a douchebag

that was a proper good burn


Can’t have you guys thinking I’m some kind of gender neutral douchebag now can I?

Why not check out gumtree and the ebay for a fixie if you cant manage to get 25 ?? or while you wait fro 25 =]

WOW, another one who cant read…