Found - Fuji track with double aerospoke

Saw a notice posted up at DISC tonight, figured it’d be worth reposting here. Heidelburg police station have a Fuji track bike with front and rear aerospokes, and they’re looking for the owner.

Of course, the difficult part is that if the owner wants their bike back, they’re going to have to own up to riding double aerospokes.

is there a big chance this is from saint cloud?

There’s a fuckin huge chance that’s the one from saint cloud, I say give them a call or give Nick an email, he’ll be MAD KEEN to gear aboout that shit.

Yeah +1 for thinking this is from saintcloud.
Paging anyone to get in touch with the boys…

yea done that

Hans would still look cool with 5 aerospokes

In that case, here’s some more details. (Sorry, this is all I have, mobile phone photo of the poster didn’t come out very clearly.)

Found in ??? ???
If any ??? ?? ??? please contact
Belinda Aquilina
Property Officer
Heidelberg Police Station
9450 8080

The bike appears to have a black top tube, white down tube and seat tube, white saddle, black aerospokes, black bars.

[Edit: Which would make it identical to the one stolen from St Cloud. I’ve emailed them.]

If it is the same bike (which it sounds like it is) that’s fucking awesome! to the rescue!

Awesome! going to pick it up tomorrow.
Thanks heaps Dave.

wow. how did the cops get it?

oh man.

Have my babies plz ryan

Post of the year.


I want that as my sig!!

ianhuman_xX: Is there anything he cant do.

Haha oh fuck…