Fucking Shitmano Part II

Horatio went to Naboo with Qui-Gon Jin to learn about bottom bracket drop from Jar-Jar Binks. It was rubbish.

And vaguely racist.

The welds on his landspeeder failed.

Mostly user error, although it was an interesting journey.

Found a sticker for you H (chain stay):

would not ride.

what the fuck is that thing

it is a fixie havent you even heard of fashun

Thanks for thinking of me. Nice gumwalls

re shimano chains, given that the 7800 chain is readily available, quieter, cheaper, lasts forever and is not ‘asymetric’, anyone who bought and used the 1 way chains is a moron

Thats about the only thing nice about that terrifing Lovecraftian nightmare.

Holding out that important info were we? Never ran a 7800/6600 chain with 7900/6700 crank/cassette- no issues? Sounds like a good idea. Probably marginally cheaper too.

one way chain?? you mean one way like inside out eg like a Kool Chain? or it is supposed to rotate in one direction only?

i use only 7800 chains and have used on all sorts of combinations of 105, ultegra and dura ace

i will admit i did use the 7900 chain when it 1st came out but after about 500km it went in the bin and a 7800 went back on

never claimed to not be a moron!

Thanks for the info. Went into the bin because of noise/problems/general shitness? I’m finding my 6700 chain to be a bit shit right now. Maybe time to go a 7800.

they are noisy and shift poorly in my moronic opinion

it made my bike sound like it was running sram

Exactly, I am experiencing these symptoms.

What is the general rule again- you can use a new chain with a used cassette, but not a new cassette with used chain, right?

dunno, trial and error, whatever works

A stretched chain will fuck your new cassette, better to replace it if worn

This. I do love Campy but this is very much true … after 3 or 4 years most people realize it’s easier to just buy a current groupset. It may be built to last but people are mostly too lazy and just replace the whole shebang.

And fwiw, I built a wheelset with Tiagra hubs and they’re OK.

I think most components these days are pretty good. You guys don’t know how good you have it, how relatively affordable all this stuff is compared to years gone past and how easy it is to source all this.

Parts is parts, they eventually wear out, you get what you pay for and to my mind legs win races … not components. It’s nice to have pro level stuff, nothing wrong with a bit of vanity but on the flip side mid-level components of any groupset do things pretty well. My regular rides are all 5/6 speed, friction shiftingfrom 30+ years ago but I ride, build and work on a lot of 10/11 speed stuff these days and fark me how anyone complains I gotz no idea because it all really, really works very well on the whole. The biggest problem I see is that most people are cheap and unrealistic.