Getting Fined

7:30pm at night in the CBD. Its not peak hour.

I trust myself on my bike to make the right calls when going through an intersection.
I don’t just bomb through every red.

Yeah I’d agree there are different shades of red.

Plenty of Brisbane intersections don’t register bikes too well so we’re forced to run them. By ‘running’ though I mean slow/stop, look, then continue if safe. Whereas I think some may call ‘running’ as bombing through at 25kph+ into merging/crossing traffic, in which case you’d better have your life insurance paid up, and be expecting fines and abuse. To make it clear I’m not judging anyone’s behaviour here, I say each to their own. I’ll stop and wait and catch you at the next set of lights 8-).

At a change of lights I’ll continue through if I can’t stop safely. In a pack the same logic applies and if the front rider goes through an amber light I don’t want to be the one to take out 20 riders behind me by putting on the anchors just to stop at the red, it may be illegal but it’s safer.

would you guys run a red in your car?
how about a motorcycle?
then why a bicycle?

Because it’s perceived to be easier to get away with on a bicycle.

I see cars running reds quite often near my house…clearly because they can’t be bothered waiting (as opposed to sneaking through just after the light changes).

hmmm…then why as a pedestrian?!! :stuck_out_tongue:
bikes do a lot less harm than a motorbike or car! :roll:
In a lot of cases it’s safe to run a red just as you would do as a pedestrian or on your skateboard

would you run them here or there?
would you run them anywhere?
i would not, could not, in a box.
i could not, would not, with a fox.

I draw a distinction between illegal and dangerous.

Everyone does.

It’s illegalto ride a bike at nightime without a rear reflector in addition to your rear light in Victoria. The penalty is $57, same as no helmet. Hands up if you’re compliant here? Sure as shit I’m not.

Running a red in a car and running a red in a bike, for all that they’re treated the same legally, are two very different acts. Which is why in some parts of the world they’re treated differently. Can’t remember where, but some place decided that cyclists could treat stop signs as give way’s and red lights as stop signs. No idea how it worked out for them, but perhaps it would stop some forum fights.

Plus yo, I’ve got places to go!


Couldnt take it anymore huh

had to bite.

It was making my brain hurt.

Just ignore it.

wasn’t deliberately being an ass, but just making a point that if we’re to be treated well by drivers, then we have to obey the same rules.

of course it’s a “saloon door” it that it swings both ways - there are equally as many bad drivers who can’t stay in a lane, merge into you etc, that do the wrong thing.


Double Meh

What a load of bullshit.

Where is that image of the Star Trek guy with his head in in his hands…

  1. define the difference between dangerous and careless riding.

seems a little extreme.

Just read this. So what the law is saying is that you will only be seriously charged if you fail to stop and offer assistance?

IF property is damaged by a cyclist and the rider has not immediately stopped and offered assistance - $284 or seven days in prison

tough decision. $284 would be hard to part with, might have to take the seven days in prison :stuck_out_tongue:

My anal virginity is worth more then $284.

And no it’s not on ebay.

damnit, beat me to the call. but i would of used the term “anal flower”.

Time to get one of these bad boys. All ok according to the law to go around killing and maiming people with it. Clip a mirror with your bag while riding and not stop? Seven days in slammer with CraigC.