
[video]Probably Misses His Old Glasses - YouTube

I know Lewis has some prescription Oakley’s, maybe jawbreakers? He may be able to help…

As if a sign from the higher beings I rode right over a fkn huge rock and blew my sidewall out this morning. Did not see rock. Feck u rolu

Back when the dollar was close to parity, I got some Rudy’s from

Check out their site for a pretty good list of what frames will take prescription lenses. They’re advice and service was pretty good but may be a bit expensive now.

yeah he has a couple of pairs of jawbreakers, plus a pair of the ‘normal’ glasses… but he doesnt pay for his :wink:

Off the top of my head (and because the list i made is at work):

  • oakley
  • spy
  • rudy project
  • smith
  • shplus

some are straight up prescription… other require the addition of the lens to the normal lens (a la oakley) - check their various sites for which models are offered.

plus you can get sports versions of many raybans (they have lighter frames, extended hinges and stickier nose pieces). ive been wearing mine on the WNR with no major issues). OPSM had a bunch of them (hot tip: the bourke st and hawthorn stores have the largest selection to try)

My brother once gave me a t-shirt with a picture of Bert from Sesame Street giving a thumbs up, saying “Trust me, I’m a nerd”

I’m ok with it.

Let us know how you go James, so I know the options when I need to replace the Dorkleys.

Hey James, did you end up getting some prescription specs for the bike?

Dave mate! I actually just sucked it up and got contact lenses late last year. Sucked heaps the first week, could not imagine it being easy. Then it just got easy. Highly recommended, now enjoy riding a lot more. Pretty sure I racked up the amount of ks I did this summer due to being able to see. Highly recommend.