for those of you that don’t know about it, it’s a messenger race held all over the world at the same time. cities put together a course following some set rules and everyone starts at the same time round the world.
it’s a live traffic alley cat.
cities that run one this year are eligible for the main prize next year of tickets to CMWC in toronto.
now brisbane has never run a round of global gutz, mostly because we’re to lazy and there are only 14 of us.
this year i am going to organize for us to have a race and therefore have a shot at worlds next year.
in order for this to happen i am going to open the race up to all comers this year. it will be exactly 21Km long, and as flat as i can make it. this is to stay even with the rest of the cities participating.
the format is 21Km long course, with 5 blind checkpoints. start time is 10PM on saturday the 14th of july, so 2 weeks from now. you will be given the first checkpoint at the start with 5 minutes to go. each checkpoint will have the next section for you. no cryptic or clever clues. maps of each section will be at each checkpoint for those not 100% on the route.
entry is $2. there are as yet NO PRIZES! entry fee covers my expenses and a jug for the winner. you’ll get a spoke card and undying admiration for about 5 minutes.
this is not a fixed only event, this is open to all riders.
HOWEVER!!! the actual posted results for the world forum will ONLY include the messenger times. and next year ONLY messengers will be eligible for the main prize of the tickets to toronto.
the reason for this is that worldwide, this is a messenger only event put on by and for messengers. so, no bitching or whining about it, that’s the way it is.
contact me here or at for other details or questions, or call or message me on 0405 007 890.
people who want to help by manning checkpoints or helping to set courses are more than welcome.
ok, i lied.
i DO have prizes!
lots of prizes.
a crumpler messenger bag for first, fox dirtpaw gloves for second, coffee vouchers, phone pouches, other stuff.
hoping for prizes to 3rd, and a couple of random draws, as well as a DFL prize.
so i don’t care if now if no-one comes cause i’ll have free loot if you don’t!
flier time.
feel free to print, copy, and disseminate as often as you llike/can.
i have changed the entry fee to reflect the increase in prizes.
$2 for messengers, $5 for non messes.
if i get 20+ riders, IT’S A FLAT $2 EACH!
this is simply to cover my costs.
i promise i’m not making anything on this, but if i only get 4 riders, i’ve just scored myself a tonne of loot.
prizes so far:
crumpler messenger bag,
fox MTB gloves,
netti fleece arm warmers,
chiba road gloves,
topeak multi tool and pouch,
crumpler phone pouches,
coffee vouchers,
a riding jersey,
and perhaps a special DFL prize of something cool that i’ve yet to blag.
prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, first fixed (if not already prized), first female (if any), DFL, and random prizes as well.
at this time the checkpoints are going to be unmanned blind points, btu if anyone who isn’t racing feels like spending 30 minutes in a car at about 8Pm on saturday to give me a hand set them, that would be cool.
ok, the link to where i stored the flier won’t work, and i can’t upload to the gallery for some reason.
can someone get in touch and i’ll email them a copy so i can get it up here for people to see?
or maybe get a front page for the next 6 days?
pretty please to admin.
i’m now under vague pressure to make this work since first prize is worth about $250, second is around $150, third is about $100, first fixed is about $180, female is about $100, and i’ve got a tonne of randoms.
so for god’s sake get everyone you can to come to this or crumpler are going to break my toes.*
ok, so that’s no ttrue, but i want to give the sponsors some kind of value and sounding worried might get you lazy assholes to come ride.
you go guys!
ok, so anyone who can think of anywhere to link this, go for it.
don’t go into details, just let them know to come look here.
i would dearly love this to go huge.
and as it says, this is the second annual, and i’m planning on going bigger each time.
bring your friends, your enemies, people you don’t even know.
lets get brisbane on the map for alleyz, why should sydney and melbourne have all the fun?
spoke cards are done.
sponsor sheets are done.
checkpoint fliers/maps/instructions are done.
rider briefings are done.
marshals packs are done.
prize packs are done.
course layout is done.
no, that’s not done…
thought i’d forgotten something.
you bastards better come and enjoy this so my sleep deprivation and panic isn’t in vain.
don’t make me come find you.
just cause you’re not in brisbane is no damn excuse at all.
plane flights are cheap. sob if you really loved me…
maybe i should take a nap.
the race is run, the drinkings done, and fun was had by all i think.
race results will be posted when i’m sober enough to work them out.
13 racers, lots of fun.
W00t! i am informed that i rock.
i shouldn’t drink cider it makes me drunk.
more later