Happy birthday horatio

Who is this mysterious man? Über troll? Or really genuinely puzzled by the world?

I love this guy. Hope it’s a good day mate.

Hppy brthdy* H.

May all your rides be shirtless.

  • That’s happy birthday in internet language.

I believe it’s actually just ‘HB’


Thanks guys.

My surname starts with B so I guess it’s HB HB.

And no, I do not celebrate any yank independence day.

Speaking of shirts- JLN my partner very generously got me an SAS jersey as well! Except the large is on the tight side… might have to consider the XL which is kind of ridiculous. Fucking cycling sizing!

Hb Hb!~


haha it’s ridiculous, I’m not even very big. The SAS jersey has the elastic bit around the waist which doesn’t help either. Maybe too much birthday cake for me.

i thought i was going to have to wait a bit for your next critical review of ‘hipster’/hyped cycling paraphenalia… turns out i was wrong! :wink:

have a good un’ sir…

HB Fatty H!


*let me know if that needs translating.

Just had a nice lunch at Chin Chins… ntbd ntbd


Happy birthday H!

I was going to write a long, detailed birthday message but I know you wouldn’t read it …

Happy Birthday !!!

I’ll just plagiarise his:

I was going to write a long, detailed birthday message but I know you wouldn’t read it …

Happy Birthday !!!

Happy anniversary of popping out of your mum!

Here - I got you a shirt.