Happy Firday #blokesquestion

Too good not to share. Background context for those not in the know was that a youtube video appeared a couple of weeks ago of a bunch of high school students from Newtown on a trip to Canberra who happened upon our dear leader and asked him a few straightforward questions about immigration, women’s rights and gay marriage. The pinhead responds at a certain point for a “blokes question”.

A Rational Fear responds:

A Rational Fear: Blokes’ questions for Tony Abbott - video | World news | theguardian.com

was kinda hoping this was a thread where we ask blokey questions and have FOA answer them

Only if Muz is doing the answering.


As a teacher I am really proud of those high school students. They simply knocked their useless PM out.



4x2" vs. colourbond ?? Discuss…

Senator Ludlam welcomes Tony Abbott to WA - YouTube
Our vision for Western Australia - Senator Scott Ludlam - YouTube


Via Mattundergound.

With easter and anzac day falling on the same week this year should we just shut the bloody country down for the week?



Tony Abbott: ‘Where are the ladies’? - video | World news | theguardian.com

Balki presents to you, The Minister for Women!

oh god.

i was just telling my friend courtney today about our shitstain PM and his decision to take over as Minister for Women…