I am have been riding fixed here for since may and I love it. I will be coming to your area in December for a visit Just wanted to reach out to some people who seem to have similar interests.
This is me on the right.
This is my girly. She gets me the fuck around. I love her but I really want to change out the drops for bull horns and change the brake system to just a front w/ lever mounted horizontally.
thanks. I will be in Adelaide for a few days and then Melbourne for an undetermined amount of time. Depends on how many friends I can make in the next few days who will hang with me when I get there. JK JK. Sorta. Then off to NZ maybe. I dunno yet.
When I was in Adelaide the only fixed gear bike I saw for the entire week was a BT on the back of a car being driven out of the velodrome (nice velodrome by the way)
Oh and when you come to melburn, say hello, look out for me driving this van…