Help? Fancy Dress

Ok so I’ve got a fancy dress party on next weekend and am struggling for ideas.

Theme is “your initials” or at least your first initial. Mine are N.B.

The only thing I can think of is “Nut Bag”

I have a brown suede bean bag at home which I can cut arm and leg holes in and wear it. And fill it up with toy seamen and sperm wales!

Any other ideas?

Ah… No Brakes? That was a No Brainer.

But, I do like Nut Bag.

I wish i was going. My initials are JFK.

hahahahahaha i can think of absolutely no problems with this!!!

Norman Bates - Psycho? (carrying a knife might get you arrested though)

nota bene (latin for ‘note well’ - aka n.b.) - get a big yellow bit of cardboard and go as a post-it note?

Natalie Bassingthwaight
Neville Bruns (1989 VFL grand final…)
Neil Balme/Nathan Buckley(more footballers)
Nathan Bracken (cricketer- HOT wife)
Nicole Brown (OJ Simpson’s former wife…)

not much help i’m afraid…

go with nut bag.

also get some black wool and stick on some pubes for some added grossness

haha, dude, you didn’t need our help. you just wanted to brag about your awesome idea!

that’s fine by me, because the idea was fucking lol city.

I endorse the nut bag costume, and demand pics.

no boobs
new bike

but yeah I think you’ve nailed it with Nut Bag.

Just be careful around girls with cream in their cocktails, you don’t want to look like you have jizzed on yourself.

oops - i got all excited when i saw ‘fancy dress’ and didn’t realise it had to be themed with your initials.

travis bickle

i was going to go as michael hutchence last year. had the belt for my neck. dildos that actually look like wangs are kinds expensive, though.

Neville Bartos.

YouTube - Chopper at Neville Bartos (The Movie)

Fuckin bang!

Go + + + Neville Bartos, look at me im flyinggggggg.
Make it even more interesting and go as neville shot in the leg with wads of frozen cash.