HELP: Online popularity contest

Slow mo high five

good luck man.

i voted. if you win, it’s because of me.

Thanks maaaaaates! Really appreciate it.

Mission Workshop slow mo fist bump for you.

Aaaaaaaaand still going. HURRY UP AND FINISH COMPETITION!!

Oakley Rebellion

Cough Vote! Cough

Some dude more connected than me is now 1 vote behind me. A-HOLE!!

Oakley Rebellion


you’re winning again.

just voted and you’re leading by 5…

Haha, awesome. Thanks heaps guys! Just when he catches up I seem to pull away. Hopefully he gets the message and gives up.

I hate annoying people like me.

Oakley Rebellion


^^ When does this thing finish? (Sorry, not on FB, but hoping you win.)

I thought it was until the end of the month, but the shitty thing is it is next month. I apologise for how annoying I must be getting… but if I wasn’t in the running to win this, then I wouldn’t bother. I don’t want to come second, it is like that feeling you get when you pick up the “you are runner up in the beauty pagent” card in monopoly.

Feel free to hit me up on the facebooks anyway.

Voted - nice vid man, even with the brostep :slight_smile: Shot on GoPro?

Thanks for the vote! Yup, all shot on GoPro.

As for the music… I wouldn’t really classify it as dub step. It’s by a dude called PrettyLights. Some of his stuff rounds more like RJD2 than anything else I have heard. This track just had a little bit of that dub step sound though I guess. Check this track out for more what PrettyLights is about. Pretty Lights - Finally Moving - YouTube

Haha, just teasing about the tune. Lfo-synced filters always make me think of the worst examples of dubstep. I’ll peep that guys other stuff, there hasn’t been much new electronic music doing it for me lately.

On the gopro, how does it go with editing? Do you gotta screw around with codecs ala the Canon dslr’s? Batteries work alright? My boss is pushing me to get one, but I’m trying to figure out how easy it will be to blend with more traditional talking head video.

Its pretty damn simple to use to be honest, i guess that is why you see so many go pro edits about.

The files load straight on as movie files, then I use the macs simple video editing software iMovie to make the vids. I will be stuffing around with Final Cut pro for the next one. As far as Batteries go, they last a few hours… well, they would outlast the space on the SD card anyway, but when using it the snow I always made sure they were fully charged each day as the cold tends to suck out the charge more so than warmer temperature.

To be honest, I don’t think the GoPro would be suitable for a talking head video. The camera does need to be really close (uncomfortably close!) in order to get the details needed for talking head vids.

voted. sweet video!

Cracked 600, keep voting ladies and gentlemen!

600 votes! Thats awesome!! Thanks heaps everyone! YEW