the 221 was one of those times when you go over a stupid steep hill, roll down the other stupid steep side without changeing gears and try to pedal at 60km/h in a 39-21… i remember seeing it pop up and then researched what it meant. it means whoop de dooo
200rpm @ 65kph!!!
lost the muesli bars and sunnies out of the back of my helmet, luckily gypsy picked them up for me. i think without a backpack and its weight wobbles 210-220 is doable. even with a brake however, slowing down felt really sketchy. of course, i imagine high cadences are easier to achieve on a fixed gear?
Is there a site where you can type your gear ratio and speed and it works out your cadence? I only know I’ve done 201rpm on the exercise bike at work, it’s a high end one but I don’t think its too accurate. I used to really hate spinning, but I’m getting better at it.
Estimate I have got to 160 before, slight downhill past the speed camera at Centennial Park. Was about 50kph in 48x19 gearing. Seems pretty tame compared to 200 odd.
Happy spinning at 100-110 based on the same speed/gearing calculation.
finally managed to check my speed tonight after weeks of wanting to know.
maintained 60kph for a bit going down a steep hill with my brother on the motorbike beside me reading out the speed. works out to be 170rpm on 48-17 gearing on 23c. have probably gone a few kph faster before, but i expected low 50s was my top. was stoked to find out i got to 60.