I don't want to wait (finding parts in europe)

I (like everyone it seems :-)) have that decided what I need is a fixie project. The only problem is that I am currently living in Sweden and far away from a shed (or even a spanner!). I won’t return to Melbourne for another few months but is there anything likely to be more common here that you folks suggest I scrounge around second hand bike stores for? I am surrounded by old bikes and would happily spend hours in all the stores looking for parts, but I don’t want to lug home a bag full of BBs and cranks etc if I can find the same kind of stuff in Melbourne.

In a nutshell: Reckon I can find something here that will be a bitch to find back home? If so, what? and what to look out for?

hmm…possibly I just want an excuse to do that scrounging :smiley:

Start with a frame your size!
If you can get that a crank set and some wheels your more than half way there.

You’ll get all the nuts and bolts back home.

Go scrounging!!! That is half the fun!!! :smiley:

That is what I wanted to hear! Cheers.

So I now have something specific to look for:

It would combine both sentimental value for my time here and the sexyness we all look for in a ride.

The bike would be pretty sweet too!

Damn straight that’s the sexiness I look for!!! :stuck_out_tongue:

Sorry but someone had to say it :wink: