If you get hit what to get

Whoah man, I’d be livid with the negligent bastard too.
Hope she gets back to perfect* asap yo.

*cos all boys think their girls are perfect, right?

Jeebus, so sorry to hear. Hope she has good meds and heals quickly, and the you find the strength to be by her side and patient. She needs you … don’t worry about the dickhead, there’s time for him later.

Keep a cool head, try to get statements from any/every witness and make sure you have all the details of the incident covered.

Sorry to hear. Pain is bad. Dick heads are bad.

but no death and no crippling is very very good

Anyway no permanent damage and no crippling . Just metal in the jaw .

love fullface

Thanks for the support guys, it means a lot. After a full day at the hospital, surgery is over and shes free to come home tomorrow. She ended up only having one plate put in place with four screws along with the removal of her wisdom teeth. She still can’t walk unsupported and has trouble talking, Doc says two weeks liquid foods followed by another two on soft foods. Kinda sucks as we’re heading to Indonesia then Malaysia in 2 weeks, looks like its Nasi Goreng smoothies for her.

Haven’t had a chance to check out the damage to the bicycle, the police have been checking up on her but still no news on the result of the report. Anyone know what governing body handles these incidents and what she is eligible to claim in WA?

Sorry to hear. Pain is bad. Dick heads are bad.
but no death and no crippling is very very good
Anyway no permanent damage and no crippling . Just metal in the jaw .
love fullface

Reading this aloud makes it sound like a Dodoitsu. :slight_smile:

I’m rather concerned that this could be very bad for us. Someone hits you, damaging your bike but not injuring you, and the police won’t want to know about it. Good luck then getting their insurer to cough up for damages without a police record of what happened.

Victoria Police Online News Centre - Reporting changes to non-injury collisions

You can still report them if it’s a hit&run, but this is generally bad news.

If people are involved in a collision, they only need to report to police where:
• Any person involved in the crash is injured (call Triple Zero (000) immediately).
• The collision is causing a traffic hazard (call Triple Zero (000) immediately).
• There is any ongoing danger to people or property (call Triple Zero (000) immediately).
• A driver appears to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs (call Triple Zero (000) immediately).
• Damage was caused to property other than your vehicle (such as another car, fence) and it is not possible to contact the owner.
• There has been a hit and run incident where damage was caused and details were not exchanged.

i wish :frowning:

Vic Police will no longer take reports of traffic collisions without injury

The police confirmed this to me when I showed them phonecam photos (incl the rego number) of the guy who almost hit me driving the wrong way down a one way street.

They told me, they can only do something if (a) you are injured, or (b) they witness it themselves. (As per above.)

Funny how you can give someone up to the EPA for throwing trash out of their car, but you can’t report someone who almost kills you? Maybe you should follow the offender in case they flip a durrie out the window?!

surely injury is somewhat subjective also?

what happens if you’re hurting internally but look fine? can the other person just drive away? “he looked fine to me!!”

Do Hurt feelings count?

Mine were quite hurt when the woman who decided to blow through a round about near my house in her lovely BMW and almost flatten me told me to “Get the fuck out of my way you c*&t”. Does this count as injury?

Probably not, but I think you’d be justified in injuring her. :smiley:

So I guess it’s recommended to get into a fight with the driver- injure them or get injured and call the police?

or lie in traffic causing a “traffic hazard”

If I (god forbid) get hit. If it’s not too bad and i have my wits, I’m just going to play dead. Cops have to come then.

after my run-in, and ending up right in the middle of a car lane, i would not want to lie there “just cos”.

if a car coming doesn’t see you there, you could be in for a lot more hurt.

move yourself to safety, then “faint”…

just grind your forehead on the road and feign concussion

If you hit the ground or the car, claim injured, get a police report and if you can take lots of notes at the time or within 24 hrs…

oh, yeah I didn’t add the part of ‘not lying dangerously in front of traffic’.
Maybe make the fall look a bit spectacular as you manage to be thrown onto the footpath.

So I got hit last monday and have gotten a police statement, witnesses ect. Constable agreed he was in the wrong (He should get 300 buck fine and 3 demerit points) but said that they are just an intermediary and I settle the money with the driver, (it was a taxi). Met the driver, gave him a quote, he said he would take it to another bike store and then called me saying he would pay for the rear wheel and that’s it, 200 of about 650 bucks worth of damage. Then he said I would have to take him to court if I wanted more.

I went and got two more quotes and my mum called him yesterday and he said the same then started mumbling about me changing my saddle after the accident to a different (damaged) one. Also tried to tell the Constable I didn’t have a front light when I did.

What is the best way to get my dues? Need some advice on how to manage this.

when i spoke to the police after one of my incidents they offered to call the guy for me if there was any problems. not sure if the cop you have been speaking to can/will be t hat helpful.

also, get the name of his cab company, he isnt paying their/his insurance should be. failing that there is a cab authority that might be interested or helpful.

final step is court…

i assume you are documenting all of the steps so far.