Jonathon Teirnan-Locke at Tour of Britain

This guy has the ugliest style I’ve ever seen on a bike, but gets up hills pretty well. His climbing looks like a slug falling from one side of the top tube to the other, with the handlebars being flicked side to side by an invisible but irresistible force.
Has he found a way to generate more power? Is he dead weighting on each pedal, momentarily? I wouldn’t want my company’s name across his back as he defiles his bike like that.

SBS2 continues to rule.

yeh, but he gets the company mentioned on every hill. I reckon he gets paid by tv mention. He’d be rolling in cash.

And yeh, sbs2 rules.

i’ve been watching this too… and yeah, he’s a funny looking bugger. short stumpy legs, long body, all over the bike. but totally smashing them in the hills two days running.

So he looks and rides like me apart from the hill climbing bit - man I’ve got to watch this guy…

If i don this style will it make me have more panache ?

I didn’t think his style was that awful, but I’m awfully unstylish myself. Seemed to out-climb a lot of much bigger names quite easily. I hope he’s not on the juice and goes on to a bigger team and moves on up.

Yeah, I watched a bit more a day or so later, and he wasn’t looking as bad. I think it was the steep little muurs that I saw him on initially that really made an impression. He put in a decent TT too, so I reckon he is a good prospect.

took the KOM in a pretty strong field… bigger teams will be knocking, no doubt.