Quick question. If i buy a Kashimax Saddle do i need a different seatpost?

have you ridden on one yet? from my brief experience with a lower grade kashimax saddle, it was really uncomfortable.

Possibly. If it’s NJS it will have narrower rails than most saddles i think. Maybe so even if its not NJS.

30 & 44mm rails - Kashimax
44mm rails - Standard saddles

Kookiebikes sell both saddles and seatposts for them locally.

*EDIT - But best check the measurements, cos some Kashimax saddles have standard rails.

thanks heaps for the reply,
i dont have much choice in the matter anyhow as i accidently clicked “buy now” so i will end up with it wether i like it or not.

i seem to do that a lot, damn impulse finger.

heh did you also accidentally click the “confirm buy now” button?

yep…i feel so ashamed :oops:

i have to wait to find out shipping now, i hope i dont get screwed

Sometimes it’s not so much of a bargain when you don’t check the postage cost first!