Ken Evans Roadie

Interesting, Ken forks, not sure about frame.



true. but frame could be ok.

Superbe pro headset, I need one of them. Frame looks of but if its a respray you have to wonder about the frames history. Could have been in a crash and fork replaced then sprayed. Usually the k marks are either on both frame/fork or neither.

The paint job is kinda cool looking and I like it, although you wouldn’t want to pay too much as it’s essentially an unknown quantity. Another ebay gamble.

My two kens contradict this. I have a road Ken with “K” on the fork crown and a track Ken with “K” on the seat stays.

You might find that some mal mcpherson ones have a “K” on the fork and not on the stays.

Ha! well there goes my theory. Just goes to show that with so many variables, it’s really all guess work. Unless you know the history of the frame.
Maybe Mal ran out the panto’s seat stay caps.:smiley:

So far I’ve seen panto’d seat stay caps, fork crowns, drop outs, and KENEVANS panto’d into the BB shell. My track bike has pant’d seat stay caps and no fork crown panto, but it’s the OG fork.

My track has only ‘K’ on fork, and stickers on frame thats all. Cinelli BB shell though.

Sounds like Mr Evans either built them to customer’s specific requirements or used whatever bits they happened to have stock. Sometimes suppliers run out and to you need to source form elsewhere…