Kenevans x Europa?

I saw a beautiful Kenevans track frame the other day and it had Europa on the seat tube and Kenevans on the down tube. Anyone know the connection between Kenevans and Europa? Is / was there one?

And a pic I found of more…

my bike is the same as those in the pic. its marked as a kenevans on the downtube and europa on the seattube. its also marked as being built by mal macperson, who is the guy that bought the company off ken. its reynolds 653 and unfortunately the original 650c fork disappeared before i got my hands on the bike so i’m running some generic 650c fork.

i’ll post some current pics when i get home: my work blocks photobucket etc…

but to answer the question, i have no idea what the connection is. i should drop into the europa shop and find out i guess.

Here’s a (crappy mobile phone) pic. It was at the poorly attended alley cat last Friday night.

When you do drop into the Europa shop, try and get me some old stock stickers…! :smiley: