Ive had two ACL recons now (same knee twice) and it’s awesome although I can tell you when it’s going to rain a week in advance.
Who did your’s Aaron,
Brisbane has some great knee surgeons.
Mark Dekkers
He rides triathlalons
tldr: do it now while you’re young and fit.
Bone to bone contact is due to cartilage wear and that probably won’t ever heal. Cartilage has next to no blood supply and does not grow/repair at all well. Newer approaches at cartilage repair involve harvesting a sample, growing it in a petri dish and then stitching it back in. Getting an ACL reconstruction will not address your cartilage loss, but may prevent it from getting worse if you knee is unstable.
The ACL reco is not likely to give you issues while riding fixed, but I probably wouldn’t ride fixed until ligamentation was complete (usually occurs over the period from 6-12 months IIRC).
I’m a bit surprised that the ACL wore away to dust - unless is was a tear and not a complete rupture?
I ruptured mine 4 years ago, I didn’t get the reco at first as they found a 70mm blood clot in my calf muscle (and I was due to fly to London the next week). After the clot went away, I did a few months of swimming to build up the muscle around my knee and I was fine.
Every blue moon, my knee will buckle if I try a sudden lateral movement but seeing as I don’t play sport its not a pressing concern (this, I imagine, wears the cartilage down) I don’t have any pain or soreness and since I starting riding a few years ago its come ahead in leaps and bounds.
I’ll get it done eventually, mainly for the long term, but it doesn’t affect my lifestyle now.
I can do this for you if you want, Rolly.
this is pretty much where i’m at now. doesn’t really hinder me anymore in my daily life, but can get very stiff if standing for more than a few hours (at a gig/pub etc) and i know it will need to be sorted eventually. been on the waiting list 7 months now, don’t necessarily want to be on the waiting list down the track if it’s giving me grief, if that makes sense?
as for the tear or rupture, i’m pretty certain it was a tear, we’re not 100% certain as it wasn’t picked up for 10 years (!!), but i am pretty certain there’s fuck all left of it now!
hahaha actual lolz
Sorry to hear. They’re getting better and better with this stuff all the time and it’s pretty quick these days.
haha didn’t see my “diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigg” comment spirito?? azz’s post is over 3 years old!!
That’s the Qld triathlons with the alanon meeting between the ride and the run
Mine is Fine on a daily basis at 50% cartilage loss.Still pops like a bastard in the morning(whilst cold) and clicks when I walk, but it’s low grade and I’m used to it. Riding fixed Brakeless and skidding and hopping off kerbs makes it sore and bruises the bone where it’s uncushioned. this bruising takes aaages to heal and go away.I cant kneel for too long without discomfort, and sometimes lack a little lateral integrity on the joint if I’m walking on uneven or slippery ground. Normal geared riding with spinning makes it feel waaay better. Based on what my surgeon told me, i’d say after 10 years like that, no matter what the surgery and rehab , you will be looking at arthritis issues as you get older. the Q’s I’d be asking is what is the likelihood of arthritis into the future and how best to minimise any more ongoing damage from this point forward.
thanks Dave, that info’s goin into the notebook.
arthritis ay? awesome.