Knee Reconstruction?

Just wondering if any members have had to have one (or two) done regardless of the cause and
1- how hard was it (pain)
2- was it worth it

my mate had one done.
She couldnt walk for a little while, but was discharged the same day. She’s totally happy with the results…
I guess it depends on the size of the reco, and what’s being done to your knee…

Not bike related but my dad buggered his playing hockey years ago and had one done, not the greatest experience for him but he definitely thought it was worthwhile. Allowed him to get active again and move like a normal person.

Haven’t had a knee but have had a shoulder reco and lots of mates have had knees done. The success/worth of these thing turns on doing the physio afterwards - it’s a PITA but everyone I know who has attended to the physio has had a good result, the ones who haven’t done their physio haven’t had good results.

If you are going to get one…DO THE PHYSIO.

End of today’s lesson. :smiley:

I’ve been getting physio off and on for the past 4 years and if I could current physio I would. She’s a honey!

Ps Being a nurse I know that shoulder recon’s are the most painful surgery you can have bar none

i had a shoulder reco last year. it wasnt that painful. i took 1 painkiller after i left hospital and that was it. the physio caused some bearable discomfort.

do you need your ACL repaired?
I’ve got 4 mates who’ve had ACL repaired, and 3 who have had medial meniscus repair. nearly all are footy (afl) related. ACL repair takes longer than MM. if you have cartilage damage or bone damage expect the time to recover even longer.

it also depends how quickly you heal, and as CC said physio. I took < 3 months to recover form shoulder reco, but know people who have never recovered fully.

^ yep I ruptured my ACL

I had my ACL reconstructed a couple of years ago and my knee is know as stong as it ever was, so yes, it was worth it. I was lucky in that I didn’t have any cartilage damage. It was never particularly painful, I didn’t have any medication. It was uncomfortable (dull throbbing) for about a week after the op, but I never had any trouble sleeping.

Key to your recovery time will be the strength/flexibility of your leg/knee prior to the operation. I was advised to wait about a month before having the operation and to get on the exercise bike and stretch every day.

As far as “do the physio” is concerned, I think it is far more relevant to say “do the rehab”.

I had a great physio, he is the physio for the Melbourne Demons as well as many other elite athletes (hence has seen more knee recos than hot dinners) and I saw him only twice post op: once for him to tell me which exercises/stretches to focus on/avoid and their proper techniques; the next time I saw him he just told me to man up and lose the crutches. If you do the exercises as prescribed, your physio won’t need to do anything.

Luckily for you, cycling is the best rehab you can do for your knee. If you are getting a hamstring graft, this is what will take the longest to get back to feeling normal.

Actually boys, my vasectomy was a lot more painful than my shoulder reco.

Shoulder Reco - 6 weeks off the bike

Snip - 5 months before I could sit on a bike.

Something for all you lads to look forward to, when you have sired your house full :wink:

I’m not a religious man, but OMFG.

My urologist said “there is some possibility of post-operative inflammation”. A master of understatement if ever I have met one.

I hope it didn’t take 5 months to get back on the ‘other’ bike.

Surgery booked for May 27th so I’ve got roughly 5 weeks to get my knee as strong as can be!!
Going to buy a signle speed cog (maybe 21 tooth) to go with my 48 tooth chainring and get on the rollers I borrowed from Supermanlegs (thanks mate)
Maybe do a bit of outdoors stuff too.


just got word i’m to be at St Vincents on July 9th for a consultation with an orthapaedic surgeon/specialist.

had an mri late last year on dr doms advice, and learnt that i tore my ACL about 10 years ago and it had gradually worn away to dust. have bone on bone contact and some cartilage damage to boot. always known it was fucked, but now i’m realising the situation and it’s concerning me somewhat.

will be getting a second opinion from a sports physician before making my mind up, as the knee doesn’t really give me too much grief on a daily basis (since i started riding :slight_smile: ). just thinking they might advise to get it down while i’m relatively young and fit, rather than in 10 years time when this may not necessarily be the case (i’d like to think i’ll still be fit though!)

i’ve read a few of these threads and seems riding fixed can cause a bit of grief when you’ve had bone on bone contact, i’d hate to not be able to race/ride on the track again. how are people like justdave, aaron and cafe de keiren holding up from their operations? any of you still riding fixed?

worried that 10 years of neglect is all coming back to haunt me (though i can be prone to a bit of drama!!).

and i’m fully aware that this is the internet etc, i will be taking everything with a grain of salt, more just seeking info so i can think of relevant questions for the consultation in july.


I think it’s more the brakeless fixed thats the drama not so much track.
Always get a second opinion, and the main thing is do the rehab.
I have never had a reco but have had my fair share of knee problems over the years.
The other thing is it is often not the knee that is the cause of the problem it is the muscles in the legs causing the knee problem.
Good luck

yeah, my brother’s had 3 recons (2 on one knee, 1 on the other) and his reply to my text was “as long as you do the right thing by the rehab you’ll be right”

he’s pretty pissed off with himself that he never did the proper rehab after his first. think he even threatened to belt me if i didn’t do mine properly!! haha

i’ll sub for him if he’s not on hand to deliver said belting…rehab isn’t for quitters.

you wouldn’t hit a cripple, you’re a nice boy!

I was seeing a Texan girl for a while when I lived in London. She had a collar bone broken in 2 places that wouldn’t heal properly and for some bizarre reason wouldn’t get it plated back together so it could heal, despite having ready access to free health care via the NHS, and medical bills outstanding in the US of about $30,000. Her shoulder even sat wierd compared to the other one.

I just couldnt fathom why she wouldnt put up with 2 or 3 months worth of discomfort in order to permanently sort out her shoulder? It’s gotta last a lifetime afterall.

i’m a cripple too, so itsallgood.jpg