l'eroica '07

Does anyone know if there will be an Australian l’eroica this year?

I’d be keen as mustard to do it!

…Fyxomatosis mentioned it today, but the pic/link in the post in question did not seem to work…

Got it now.

I’ll have to check the rules to see if the Hillman is eligible. Anyone else keen?

I’ve emailed the contact for some more info.

I’m definately keen.

Would you post the rules when you have them.



I’ll let you know.

No answer as of yet, but it is still a long way off I suppose.

[i]OK, some more info:

I’m also trying to work out what if any proportion of components can be modern.[/i]

celebrating the heroic times of bicycle racing

L’EROICA DOWNUNDER 2007 is held in the rolling “Tuscan Hills” of Beechworth 75km north east of Melbourne. Based on the hugely popular L’Eroica event that has been held in Tuscany for ten years, it is a period cyclosportive rally for riders and collectors of classic racing bicycles built before 1980.

Though not a race it is an opportunity for riders to experience the rugged and challenging conditions of gravel unmade roads, punctures and minimal support that was the lot of racers during the era of “heroic” road racing.

Two websites that better explain the concept and spirit of L’Eroica are:

Held over two days there are three stages each of roughly 30km - 40km; plus a Swap or Sell; and a Show Off and Tell; dinner at La Trobe University and the opportunity to experience “La Dolce Vita” lunching alfresco at La Zona Vineyard.

Saturday in historic Beechworth begins with registration followed by Stage 1; 35km of challenging riding with at least two decent climbs mostly on gravel roads rolling through the scenic “Tuscan” Hills” of “Nord- Est” Victoria. Then the chance to Show Off and Tell or Shop and Sell before we dine at La Trobe University enjoying pasta and wines from Italian varieties.

Sunday starts with Stage 2, a bitumen transport stage via the Murray to the Mountains Rail Trail to Milawa, for a coffee and cakes break.

Stage 3 about 40km; more challenging gravel roads, more scenic hills, more "vintage refreshments” to finish at Chrismont’s La Zona Vineyard in Cheshunt to experience “La Dolce Vita” lunching alfresco.

[i]Accept the Challenge; Demanding Roads; Dust or Mud; Enjoy the Ability to Suffer

RIDER NUMBERS ARE LIMITED [ first come, best dressed ]

FEES: riders $135 non riders $100 coach transport $15

BICYCLES: this is an event for racing bicycles built before 1980, celebrating the times of “heroic” road racing. It is NOT an event for MTBs, hybrids, plastic bikes, aero brake levers, clipless pedals and etc; you get the idea. Classic hand made bicycles built post 1980 may be considered by the organisers.

WHEELS and TYRES: this event traverses roads unsuited to narrow tyres or silk singles on lightweight rims; we suggest you save those beaut wheels for the Show and Tell and ride on your old sturdy training wheels instead.

DRESS: riders are requested to enhance the spirit of the event by wearing cycling attire appropriate to the era of their bicycle. Modern MATT finish lycra nix and replica jerseys will not be frowned upon.

HELMETS: it is mandatory that all riders wear Australian Standards approved helmets.

EQUIPMENT: make sure your valuable bicycle is fit for the task; serviced, adjusted and fitted with sturdy tyres. Spare tubes, puncture kit and pump are essential as L’EROICA DOWNUNDER values self reliance.

FAMILY, FRIENDS and TEAM MECHANICS are most welcome to share the remarkable experiences, but not the pain, of this historic rally. A reduced entry fee applies.

COACH TRANSPORT is available on Sunday for non riders to follow Stages 2 and 3 and for riders who will need a lift back to Beechworth from the finish at Cheshunt.
An additional fee applies. Booking at the time of entry is ESSENTIAL!

ACCOMMODATION is not included in the entry fee, we suggest staying at La Trobe University at Beechworth, this is event HQ and keeps us all together on one site. There is a mix of accommodation ratings and a limited number of rooms have been reserved for riders; just mention L’Eroica when you book.
Phone 03 5720 8050 www.ihs@latrobe.edu.au
Alternatively other bookings can be made through the Beechworth Visitor Information Centre. Phone 1300 366 321 www.beechworthonline.com.au

MEALS: Saturday evening dinner and Sunday lunch together with “vintage refreshments” during stages 1 and 3 and the coffee stop at Milawa are included
in the entry fee. All other meals are at participant’s cost.

Reply from one of the organisers re “vintagocity”:

L’Eroica Downunder is very much a “SPIRIT” thing; a chance for riders, collectors of old racing bikes and would be collectors to get together, ride a bit, tell some lies particularly about previous race results, drink some red and generally solve some of the world’s problems!
So in the spirit of the “heroic” times past most things are possible as the 1980 cut off is indicative only, JUST NO MTB’s, PLASTIC BIKES, CLICK SHIFT etc which basically means though not exclusively lugged steel frames, toe clips and woollen jerseys.And of course some of us have replaced parts with newer items, so as long as it’s in three “SPIRIT” of the heroic times of bicycle racing. Now how’s that for an Irish answer?

highly recommend doing it. i’ll be there if still in the country. i had my hillman ('81) there last year with spd-sl peds and all was good. 28mm tires are the go, a brake is also a bit of a good thing to have… if its the same course as last year be ready for a VERY long and gnarly decent along a quarry road with stones getting up to the size of your fist scattered all over the road. the accom is good, the food really good and the company superbe… made me think i shoulda been born 40 years earlier. eventough we were the “young crew” of the event, we felt super appreciated and included… and some of those guys can motor, especially (suprise, suprise) Peter Moore. gearing (if same as last year) shouldnt really be much bigger than the 45-16 i had last year… the first hill of the whole thing is a steep dirt road with drain ruts throughout… i was on the rivet keeping it moving over the top. but the same gear also proved quick enough for decents too. the first day could end in a lot of pain and would be great fun to hammer… the second day was simply the best fun i’ve ever had on a bike. dirt roads undulating, clear skies, fork flexing and soaking up the corrugations and roots, it was rad rad rad

so is anyone doing this?
i’m in for a saturday morning start from melb…

Sorry mate,
I’ve had to pull the pin.
family stuff on that weekend.

Did anyone do this in the end?

Love the first photo!


…and the fashion!