I’ve spoken with a few of you guys bout this, but thought id get it going…
Seeing as the macaframa guys dont seem to want anyone in australia selling their dvd, not even a fixed gear specific shop, lets all chip in and buy a ‘shop’ copy…
wouldnt need much $ from people to make it worth it
erik has been trying since late last year to get a premier, which theydidnt want to do, and now they wont reply to his emails regarding stocking the movie.
also according to some know it all from melbourne, they wouldnt want all their hard work going to waste to let some unknown do a premier and potentially have it leaked :roll:.
they sure dont seem to want anyone here in aus to sell/promote their dvd :roll:
that’d be me huh? i was repeating what i heard from several of the riders in the film personally. i tried to give you some context based on what i knew, i said if i got something going on, i’d let you know. but you just want to keep dragging me down…
if you want to call me names, you better do some research. (like others did when they tried to call you out about your palmares). i sat in the VIP section for the SF premiere, watched the final version get edited down the hallway from where i stayed, have had PJ and Jason stay at my place several times, sat and watched dirt get some final clips 2 days before the premiere, get a crew thankyou in the credits (as well as my good friend duncan getting a personal thankyou). shit, i met steve b, yim and colin back in 2007 when all they had was a hot promo on youtube and a weird name and the cadence/fast friday crew were the hottest name on the block with keo doing these (shot by me):
for what its worth i’m not getting any love either, via email or via personal representation… it’s a rad film. i loved it and hope others do. i wanted to help share that awesomeness… but if not, ok. i have no interest in being the ‘guy’ or getting scene points, id like to see some nice guys get some credit for really hard work.
its their loss in the end really, and thats where my… frustration?? is aimed, liek i previously said, seems odd that they dont seem to want their movie getting premiers/sold ALL over the world.
You’re not going to get a premier in Brisbane… the film is being sold now. The idea of a premier is to raise some hype. You all wanna buy it all the way over here in Australia so it seems like the internet clips and American premiers (that you no doubt saw all the flyers for) worked fine, and they didn’t have to risk the film getting leaked because they sent it to some kid on his BMW to show his friends…
There is a preorder button on their website. It costs $40. Buy a copy if you want to see it, that’s how it works. Stop whinging.
maybe you dont read too well, it was NOT ME PERSONALLY who has been in contact with the guys, but in fact a REAL LIFE fixed bike shop… not just some kid on a bmw :roll:
and yeh we probably will buy ONE copy, instead of the who knows how many would have bought and sold through the shop :roll:
The point is, they’re doing PRE-ORDERS. Do you understand what this means? You can PRE-order it before it is released in stores… I don’t think any ‘REAL LIFE fixed bike shops’ would have them yet, so why would Gear?