[MEL] MDMA Halloween Alleycat AND Spring BBQ

I won’t be missing this for anything. Can’t wait.

i have a cousins 21’st on the same night as this, so if i make it to the alleycat i’m probably causing more irreparable rifts in that branch of the family, but hey fuck it, he skipped my sis’s 21’st for the AFL grand final, i can skip his for some ‘messin round on bikes stuff’

if i make it i’ll try and make a sweet grinning pumpkin front light

I’m keen.

Lurking hipsters take note: nobody should miss this.

sorry guys i am going to smash it at the roller derby instead. Watch some live music, dj’s and crazy halloween custumes

pussy! :wink:

Maybe come to beers after?

We have a facebook event set up.
So search for “halloween alleycat”, and tell your friends.

More info provided!!!

I got a notification about this earlier this week - didn’t say anything - but isn’t putting it on F’k running the risk of h8rs turning it into a media shitstorm?

I doubt anyone will take it that seriously.

It’s just a bike get-together and ride, no storming to be seen :slight_smile:

Ha ha :evil:

Should be sweet fun, can’t wait.

So who’s coming to the BBQ on Saturday? BYO food and drinks, we’re going to be bringing the decks down to make a bit of [mellow] noise, should be sweet!

P.S. Anyone planning on driving that wont be drinking? (for music system transportation…)


shitballz. looks like i’ll be insydney. had a costume and everything.

I’ll wear yours if you want.

Sweet! We’ve also had a few Vans shirts donated, ladies and dudes, so a couple of them will go to the fastest or best dressed lass!

Don’t forget the Saturday BBQ! Beats and all…


This is going to be the bizness! I’m so pumped, I’ve been wearing my costume around all day today.

p.s. If you don’t wear a costume you’re a pussy! It’s Halloween mofos. Do it.

Either that, or the joke’s on you. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve got no shame, I’ll be riding in a costume for sure. I am having a bit of a problem with the drag caused by my cape though.

I took my costume for a test run last night much to the amusement of my neighbours. I think I’m going to have to run the disc though so my cape doesn’t get caught in my spokes.

any excuse haha