[MEL] Revolution 3 - Thursday June 12 @ Vodafone

Revolution 3!

Vodafone Thursday 12th June… Should be a GOOD night of racing. More info:

media release, Revolution Homepage


Looks like a great international line-up, should be sweet!

No-one make a sound when the Future Stars are out there :evil:

My media passes arrived in the mail today. w00t
The program for the night :

Thursday 12th June :

EM : elite male
EW : elite female

racing starts at 7pm
1 : elimination 20 laps EM
2 : Anna Meares F200
3 : Keirin heats EM
4 : 2 k dash M17
5 : 2k dash W17
6 : sprint heats EW
7 : keirin final EM
8 : scratch 30 laps EM
9 : points 15 laps W17
10 : sprint heats EM
11 : 4k IP EM
12 : sprint derby consolation final EW
13 : sprint final EW
14 : sprint rounds EM
15 : points 15 laps M17
16 : team sprint Oz vs Malasia EM
17 : Keirin final EW
18 : 20 lap motorpace/20 lap points (?) 40 laps total EM
19 : sprint final EM

I’m going!

Me too!!!

Me, too!

Your all individuals.

I’m not.

Glad to see that they have still given the M17’s a 2k race, are they hoping for a repeat?

Have fun people.

This is the only reason I wish I was back in melbourne at the moment!

Pure gold,

All awsome racing (and some spills…). Loved all the ruff and tumble in the sprints

Had a great night, some good races and my head will be sore tomorrow. Thankfully it’s Friday.

Anna rode 11.189 (64.35km/h) to claim her place at Beijing. Awesome ride. She had to beat 11.77, she made it look easy.